25 Spooky Halloween Jokes for Kids

What kind of tests do vampires give their students?

25 Spooky Halloween Jokes for Kids

We’re nearing October 31st and everyone is itching to get into costumes and go trick-or-treating! Calm the excitement with some belly laughs and one of our favorite Halloween jokes for kids.

1. How can you tell a vampire has a cold?

How can you tell a vampire has a cold?

He starts coffin

2. Who do monsters buy cookies from?

Who do monsters buy cookies from?

Ghoul scouts

3. What do you call a witch who lives at the beach?

What do you call a witch who lives at the beach?

A sand-witch

4. Why didn’t the skeletons cross the road?

Why didn’t the skeletons cross the road?

They had no guts

5. How do you make a skeleton laugh?


How do you make a skeleton laugh?

Tickle her funnybone

6. Why are ghosts bad liars?

Why are ghosts bad liars?

Because you can see right through them

7. What has hundreds of ears but can’t hear a thing?

What has hundreds of ears but can’t hear a thing?

A cornfield!

8. What do birds say on Halloween?

What do birds say on Halloween?

Trick or tweet!

9. Why did the skeleton stay home from the dance?

Why did the skeleton stay home from the dance?

She had no body to go with

10. What salutation does a vampire use to start a letter?

What salutation does a vampire use to start a letter?

Tomb it may concern

11. What’s a witch’s favorite school subject?

What's a witch's favorite school subject?


12. What’s a skeleton’s favorite instrument?

What’s a skeleton’s favorite instrument?

A sax-a-bone

13. What’s a vampire’s favorite holiday?

What's a vampire's favorite holiday?


14. Why was there no food at the end of the monster party?

Why was there no food at the end of the monster party?

Because everyone was a goblin

15. Who won the skeleton beauty contest?

Who won the skeleton beauty contest?

No body

16. What do ghosts serve for dessert?

What do ghosts serve for dessert?


17. What is Dracula’s favorite ice-cream flavor?

What is Dracula’s favorite ice-cream flavor?


18. What is a ghost’s favorite food?

What is a ghost’s favorite food?


19. What is a zombie’s favorite thing to eat?

What is a zombie's favorite thing to eat?

Brain food

20. Where does Dracula keep his money?

Where does Dracula keep his money?

At the blood bank

21. What boats do vampires travel in?

What boats do vampires travel in?

Blood vessels

22. How do you fix a broken jack-o’-lantern?

How do you fix a broken jack-o'-lantern?

With a pumpkin patch!

23. What kind of tests do vampires give their students?

What kind of tests do vampires give their students?

Blood tests

24. What do witches order at a hotel?

What do witches order at a hotel?

Broom service

25. What do skeletons say before eating?

What do skeletons say before eating?

Bone Appetite!

What are your favorite Halloween jokes for kids? Share them in the comments below.

Want even more jokes for your students? We’ve got them on several topics, including math jokes, history jokes, science jokes, grammar jokes, and music jokes.

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25 Spooky Halloween Jokes for Kids