Amazon gift cards are always at the top of my holiday wishlist. Years go by when I don’t receive a single gift card, and that’s totally fine. But in the back of my mind, I always have a running wishlist of things I’d buy if only I had a little extra moolah.
I’m not talking classroom supplies like glue sticks and notebooks. Of course, I could always use those. This list is dedicated to extra special things for my classroom and for me. Because: #treatyourself.
1. A classroom rug
How pretty is this rug?! It would totally brighten up my entire classroom! If you’re looking for one with seating spots, this one is gorgeous in person and really good quality.
2. An instant pot
For all those nights when I have negative ten minutes to make dinner and eat popcorn instead. Also, recipe #12 on this list looks soooo good.
3. A book about teaching
This book makes me feel seen. And our editor recommended it!
4. A book about life
This book has made so many best-of lists this year. Perfect for reading over winter break.
5. Cute AND comfortable shoes
So many great reviews on these shoes. One teacher said, “I am an elementary school teacher and have a fast pace life with baby and family and these are the best shoes for all those jobs!”
6. This limited-edition pack of post-its
Oh hiiii, pretty colors! I must have you.
7. A personalized library stamp
I’ve wanted one of these for so long! Finally treating myself… and my library books. 😊
8. This portable humidifier
Because cold and flu season always gets the best of me, and a little humidity does the body good. This little guy is perfect for a teacher desk.
9. A wireless doorbell
Have you read about all the cool ways to use these in the classroom?!
10. Rainbow scratch notes
These were one of the top-purchased items in our Teacher Deals Facebook Group. (If you’re not a member yet, do yourself a favor and join!)
11. A fruit-infuser water bottle
This should help with my resolution to drink more water!
12. A Watering Can
My classroom plants usually just get a swig of what’s leftover in my water bottle. But I like the idea of getting a watering can and adding “Water Plants” to our Classroom Responsibilities list. This one is bright and a great price!
13. Flair pens
Or whatever your pen of choice is. These InkJoy pens are favorites too.
14. A fun 2020 calendar
Students love tearing off the pages on this Every Day’s a Holiday Desktop Calendar. The wall calendar version is great too.
15. A chic backpack
Teachers on our Teacher Deals Facebook Group are jonesing for this backpack. It’s been one of our top sellers!
16. This quick-drying top coat
Seriously, who has time to let their nails dry these days? I adore this Essie Speed Setter Top Coat. It dries in under a minute and keeps my nails chip-free for days. P.s. If you’re feeling extra fancy, try these fun teacher nail designs.
17. A Cricut
Maybe 2020 will be the year I finally treat myself to a Cricut! Here are 50 reasons to convince yourself this is purchase is necessary.
18. A really good portable charger
I’ve purchased a few battery packs in the past, but often I’m disappointed with their efficacy. That, or they grow legs and walk up on out of my classroom. I love the digital display on this battery pack! Note to self: Write my name on this one.
Plus, we’d love to hear—what you are spending your Amazon gift cards on! Come and share in our WeAreTeachers Deals group on Facebook.