Here’s What Teachers Really Have on Their Classroom Wishlists, From A to Z

BRB, making my shopping list.

teacher wishlist

Recently a parent asked us “I would like to make a contribution to my children’s teachers with a gift basket. I was going to include a set of dry erase markers that also have the eraser and spray in it, but what else do you think teachers would be excited about? I’m wondering if you have some sort of teacher classroom wishlist. I don’t want to waste money on things they won’t use.”

And as an example of putting it out there to the universe, Jessica L. asked (on the same day) our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE, “If someone offered to donate supplies to your classroom, what would you ask for?”

Our community was more than happy to chime in with ideas. Here, from A to Z, are their favorites. Happy shopping!

Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend products our team has tried and enjoyed!