Schools are taking bullying seriously these days. Help your students understand more about this difficult topic with these anti-bullying posters and wall art, plus classroom incentives like pencils and stickers. Use them during National Bullying Prevention Month in October, or post them year-round to keep the message fresh.
Sometimes kids don’t even recognize their own bullying behavior. This aluminum 7″ x 10″ sign can help them see the patterns and start the process of learning to be kind instead.
Make a statement in your classroom with this eye-catching 12″ x 18″ laminated anti-bullying poster. It provides concrete examples of what bullying may look like.
These anti-bullying pencils serve as a constant reminder for kids that bullying behavior is never OK. Hand them out to your whole class as part of your discussion on the topic.
Toss this ball to a student, and ask them to read out the question that their right thumb lands on. Then, use that question to start a class discussion.
Anti-bullying messages don’t always have to address the topic head-on. Messages about being kind and brave are just as important. Use these posters, signs, and banners to spread a message of kindness, welcome, and acceptance.
Everyone Has a Chance To Make a Difference Banners
These oversized banners would be terrific hanging in the hallway or on cafeteria walls. Each is 13.5 inches wide by 29 inches long.
The THINK acronym is useful online or in person. Encourage your students to really give some thought to what they say and how they say it with this 17″ x 22″ laminated poster.
Encourage your classroom to be more mindful of their thoughts and actions to help discourage bullying and foster an environment of kindness and respect.
Encourage your classroom to be more mindful of their thoughts and actions to help discourage bullying and foster an environment of kindness and respect.