The 12 Days of Christmas: Teacher Edition

What teachers really need to survive the holiday season.

12 Days of Christmas Feature Image

If there’s a classic holiday tune, it’s “The 12 Days of Christmas!” Many variations have been created over the years, but we decided to put a little teacher spin on it as we head into 2022! Sing it in your loudest teacher voice to the classic melody, and then go ahead and share it with your teacher BFF. No one understands you better!

On the first day of Christmas,

my teacher BFF sent to me:
a bottle of my favorite wine.

On the second day of Christmas,

my teacher BFF sent to me:
2 peppermint mochas,
and a bottle of my favorite wine.

On the third day of Christmas,

my teacher BFF sent to me:
3 succulent plants,
2 peppermint mochas,
and a bottle of my favorite wine.

On the fourth day of Christmas,

my teacher BFF sent to me:
4 holiday face masks
3 succulent plants,
2 peppermint mochas,
and a bottle of my favorite wine.

On the fifth day of Christmas,

my teacher BFF sent to me:
5 packs of Lysol wipes,
4 holiday face masks,
3 succulent plants,
2 peppermint mochas,
and a bottle of my favorite wine.

On the sixth day of Christmas,

my teacher BFF sent to me:
6 feet apart,
5 packs of Lysol wipes,
4 holiday face masks,
3 succulent plants,
2 peppermint mochas,
and a bottle of my favorite wine.

On the seventh day of Christmas,

my teacher BFF sent to me:
7 stress balls,
6 feet apart,
5 packs of Lysol wipes,
4 holiday face masks,
3 succulent plants,
2 peppermint mochas,
and a bottle of my favorite wine.

On the eighth day of Christmas,

my teacher BFF sent to me:
8 ibuprofen,
7 stress balls,
6 feet apart,
5 packs of Lysol wipes,
4 holiday face masks,
3 succulent plants,
2 peppermint mochas,
and a bottle of my favorite wine.

On the ninth day of Christmas,

my teacher BFF sent to me:
9 minutes of meditation,
8 ibuprofen,
7 stress balls,
6 feet apart,
5 packs of Lysol wipes,
4 holiday face masks,
3 succulent plants,
2 peppermint mochas,
and a bottle of my favorite wine.

On the 10th day of Christmas,


my teacher BFF sent to me:
10 dollars in a Starbucks gift card,
9 minutes of meditation,
8 ibuprofen,
7 stress balls,
6 feet apart,
5 packs of Lysol wipes,
4 holiday face masks,
3 succulent plants,
2 peppermint mochas,
and a bottle of my favorite wine.

On the 11th day of Christmas,

my teacher BFF sent to me:
11 extra dark chocolates,
10 dollars in a Starbucks gift card,
9 minutes of meditation,
8 ibuprofen,
7 stress balls,
6 feet apart,
5 packs of Lysol wipes,
4 holiday face masks,
3 succulent plants,
2 peppermint mochas,
and a bottle of my favorite wine.

On the 12th day of Christmas,

my teacher BFF sent to me:
12 notes of encouragement,
11 extra dark chocolates,
10 dollars in a Starbucks gift card,
9 minutes of meditation,
8 ibuprofen,
7 stress balls,
6 feet apart,
5 packs of Lysol wipes,
4 holiday face masks,
3 succulent plants,
2 peppermint mochas,
and a bottle of my favorite wine.

We’d love to hear—what would you include in a teacher-style 12 Days of Christmas? Come and share in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook. 

Plus, funny holiday songs for teachers.

The 12 Days of Christmas: Teacher Edition