Life as a teacher mom often means doing double duty … grading while you take your own kids to soccer practice, sitting on both sides of the conference table, and taking parent phone calls while you cook dinner. It can be a struggle, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. And these 15 teacher mom memes capture the highs and lows perfectly.
1. Without a doubt, you know your purpose.

Image via Momma With a Teaching Mission
2. You do double duty.
3. You’re pretty sure that’s espresso running through your veins.

Image via Creating the Life
4. You need more weekend.

Image via Double Dose of Learning
5. Hyperspeed would come in handy, too.
6. You’re more or less a ninja.

Image via Wife Teacher Mommy
7. You’ve got your comebacks down pat.

Image source unknown
8. You have a built-in ed jargon decoder.
9. You’ve learned to celebrate your successes.
10. Your family has learned when you might bring home chocolate.

Image via I’d Rather Educate
11. You have your life 100% together at all times.

Image via Walt Disney Magic
12. For you, being a great teacher has taken on new meaning.
13. You have, ahem, high expectations.

Image via I’d Rather Educate