15 Funny and Inspiring Teaching Memes to Help You Survive the Rest of DEVOLSON

DEVOLSON is long and tiring, but these funny and inspiring teacher memes can help you power through.

15 Funny and Inspiring DEVOLSON Memes

Good news, friends! DEVOLSON (a.k.a. the dark, evil vortex of late September, October, and November) is more than halfway over! But there are still four long weeks until Thanksgiving break, so we thought we’d pull together some of our favorite inspiring quotes and teacher humor to help you see it through. Save and share it with a teacher friend who needs it!

1. Look for the bright spots.

They’re out there.

Teaching Should Also Be Rewarding

2. I’m just a girl.

Feel free to sub in “copy machine” or “laptop cart” at your pleasure.

I'm Just a Girl, Standing in Front of an Interactive Projector

3. The extras don’t matter.

All you need is love.

The Extras Don't Matter

4. Be a little crazy.

It’s the crazy ones who get things done.

Be a Little Crazy

5. Just another Monday.

And Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday TBH.

Don't Lick the Desk

6. Think happy thoughts.

You were born to rock this teaching thing.

Be Happy Teachers

7. It’s a 24/7 job.

Find the tribe of people who get it.

Teaching is 24/7

8. It’s a tough gig.

But the rewards are beyond amazing.

Remind Them Why It's Worth It

9. Be a rebel.

Even Monday can have its rewards.


Be a Rebel - Enjoy Monday

10. You’re capable of hard things.

But you also deserve your weekends like whoa.

You Can Do Hard Things

11. Happiness begets happiness.

So work on yourself first.

Happy Teachers, Happy Students

12. Keep believing in yourself.

Even when the challenges seem overwhelming.

Never Give Up

13. Your reach is eternal.

And as crazy as it sounds, you’ve got this.

You've Got This

14. Be brave and teach on.

Even if the copier stops working five minutes before class starts.

Be Brave and Teach On

15. This may be a picture day fail…

But it’s my face at the end of DEVOLSON, too.

Picture Day Face