24 Clever Memes You Can Use to Respond to “You Get Summers Off?”

You’re kidding us, right?

“Oh, so you get summers off, right?” This question, frequently posed to teachers, is often followed with comments like “must be nice” or “lucky you.”

Sure, it’d be easy to go on the defensive, letting the person know about how many long hours and weekends you work during the school year—and over the summer, too—but instead, we recommend responding with one of these handy memes.

1. When you just act surprised …

In this response you really want to act shocked … as if you had no idea it was part of the gig. 

2. When you just can’t seem to leave …

You’re still finishing grades, you have to pack up, you’re moving grades next year … whatever the case, you know it’s summer. You just haven’t been able to start enjoying it yet. 


3. When you get a bit emotional …

It’s easy to start thinking about all those days you don’t really get paid for. It can make you a little sad. Sniff, sniff. 

4. When you’re already getting emails about coming back to school …

You don’t even want to think about it right now!

5. When you sincerely try to offer an explanation …

If only you could get them to understand. 

6. When you get borderline angry …

You’re just looking out for your fellow teachers in this instance. 

7. When you tell them what you’re REALLY doing this summer …

How quickly those days get taken away! 


8. When you try to recruit others …

Admit it. You’ve totally tried to sell someone on teaching because of summers off. 

9. When the payoff is finally here …

You worked so much over the school year, and now you’re going to enjoy it! 

10. When you start thinking of all the professional development you have to do …

Why is there so much training in the summer? Can’t it be during the school year?! 

11. When you just embrace the sunshine …

You are going to soak up as much, such as you can. 

12. When you throw out a little sarcasm …

This is when you have someone that you just don’t want to deal with. Agree and throw some snark. 

13. When you get real close and whisper …

The closer the better on this one. They might think you’re a little weird, but it’ll be worth it. 

14. When you have to remind people of that “other” job …

You’re not sitting by the pool somewhere. You’ve got bills to pay. 

15. When you’re admittedly a bit jealous when you hear about all the awesome plans of others …

You’d rather be vacationing in Europe, too. 

16. When you just embrace it …

There’s no reason to be apologetic or defensive. 

17. When you want to make a teacher joke …

This one is best used when there are other teachers in the crowd so they can stand with you in solidarity. 

18. When you just can’t agree …

You want to just nod and smile, but you can’t. 

19. When you need to get Mr. T involved …

Be clear, direct, and set them straight. 

20. When you put them in their place …

It takes a little time and effort to correct someone, but sometimes it just has to be done. 

21. When you’re a tad jaded …

Yes, there’s some bitterness there. But it’s well deserved. 

22. When you’re always in teacher mode …

Is this you? It’s okay to admit it if it is. 

23. When you’re just happy because it’s true …

No apologies. No defensive responses. Just pure happiness. 

24. When you’re still waiting on that whole summers off thing …

You were told it would happen, but you’ve yet to really experience it for yourself. 

No matter how much or little summer you get, enjoy it, teachers. After all, you’ve earned it!

How do you respond when people ask you about summers off? Come and share in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, totally relatable summer teacher memes.

24 Clever Memes You Can Use to Respond to “You Get Summers Off?”