24 Creative Word Wall Ideas for Your Classroom

The possibilities are endless!

Looking for word wall ideas? Word walls are a popular teaching strategy to improve literacy skills across the curriculum. Basically, word walls are a collection of important words displayed in large, visible letters on any display surface in the classroom. Your word wall should be an interactive tool for students and contain an array of words that can be used during writing and reading.

A traditional word wall is organized alphabetically using all 26 letters of the alphabet. Sight words (also known as high-frequency words or no-excuse words) are placed under each letter based on the first letter of each word. An alternative option is a sound wall, which is based on the science of reading. This strategy organizes words by their speech sounds (phonemes) rather than alphabetically.

But word walls need not be limited to just sight words. You can use them for spelling words, content area words, unit vocabulary words, parts of speech, and much more. The possibilities are endless!

Here we’ve gathered 24 of our favorite word wall ideas to help you get started. And for more ideas from classroom teachers, check out Teaching Made Practical and Mrs. Beattie’s Classroom.

1. Traditional Word Wall

a colorful word wall with turquoise background and each letter of the alphabet prominently displayed

This kindergarten word wall follows the traditional model. Each letter of the alphabet is prominently displayed with vocabulary words written on colored cards underneath them.

Source: Cozy Classroom Crew 

2. Star Words

Fun word wall idea with words written on stars and displayed on a bulletin board

Early learners need to master basic, frequently used words in order to progress as readers. This word wall includes “star words” for students to refer to at any time.

Source: Rainbows Within Reach

3. Polka Dot Word Wall

colorful word wall idea

Colored cards on this word wall help each individual word stand out. In addition, each card is cut to correspond to the letters’ physical shapes, which help students with word recognition.

Source: Girlfriend’s Guide to Teaching

4. Wow Words

a bulletin board with an array of color block squares

Sheets of colored card stock provide a background grid for this “Wow Word” word wall. As the students come across interesting and important words, the teacher can add them to the wall.

Source: Live Laugh Learn in Second Grade

5. Popcorn Words

A primary classroom word wall using words written in popcorn kernel shapes

Sometimes sight words are called popcorn words because they keep “popping” up when students read and write.

Source: Rainbows Within Reach

6. Lollipop Word Wall

a classroom word wall that looks like lollipops

All you need to create this fun word wall is colorful paper plates and polka-dot ribbons. As your students learn new words, they can be added to the display.

Source: Simply the Middle

7. Interactive Word Wall

students stand at a word wall pointing to words with a stick

Finding herself short on wall space, this teacher took advantage of the tall cabinets in her room to display her word wall. Kids can reference words from their seat or engage in independent word work by “reading” the wall with a partner.

Source: Dragonflies in First

8. Picture Card Word Wall

a colorful, well organized word wall idea

This word wall, printed in large letters to be easily seen from all areas of the classroom, is a collection of common vocabulary words. Each word has a corresponding image to aid students’ understanding. Many teachers offer pre-printed picture word cards on Teachers Pay Teachers.

Source: Mrs. D’s Room

9. Foam Blocks Word Wall

sight words are displayed under colorful foam block letters

This word wall, made up of large foam letter blocks with words clearly printed on handwriting strips, puts important first words on display for young readers.

Source: Rainbows Within Reach

10. Flower Pots Word Wall

classroom word wall using paper flower pots with flowers on top

What a colorful word wall idea! Flower vases made from dry-erase paper allow the teacher to easily add or delete words as needed.

Source: Coaching Chronicles

11. Personal Word Wall

a literacy folder titled "My word wall" and an example of a tracking sheet that goes inside

Last year this teacher switched from a word wall to word wall folders. Each student kept their folder in their writing bin for quick access. Along with standard sight words, they could also personalize their lists as they came across new words.

Source: Teach Love and Iced Coffee

12. Color-Coded Word Wall

a word wall with color coded vocabulary words

This word wall is a multipurpose learning tool for students. Each word is written in the color corresponding to the subject. Also, titles at the top of the board help students differentiate the words.

Source: Learning Focused

13. Multi-Subject Word Wall

a colorful word wall with different colored cards for words from different subjects

This is another example of a mixed-purpose word wall. This one provides a legend to help students keep track.

Source: Reading Strategies

14. Picture Word Wall

a second grade word wall with hand-drawn vocabulary cards

This teacher involves her students in making the classroom word wall. Each important word card is written and illustrated by one of the kids. The images help students make stronger connections to the printed words.

Source: Tales of an Elementary Teacher

15. Math Word Wall

a colorful math word wall listing important vocabulary

Math teachers need word wall ideas too! Understanding math relies heavily on vocabulary instruction. Here, this teacher groups together different concepts into a visual display for students to use.

Source: Diane Davenport

16. Geometry Word Wall

a geometry word wall with key geometry terms

This word wall idea condenses the important words in a geometry unit into one display for students to review. Once the students move on to a new topic, the teacher can create a new word wall with the appropriate vocabulary words.

Source: Learning Focused

17. Words by Subject

children gathering around a colorful bulletin board

Engaged learners examine the cards on this word wall to learn words that fall into different categories.

Source: Teachstarter

18. Reading Group Word Wall

Reading group area with different activities to learn about Three Billy Goats Gruff

Vocabulary is a critical part of reading instruction. This word wall focuses on important words from the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Source: Keeping Up With Miss Parks

19. Word Families Word Walls

paper cut outs of a pot, a bale of hay, a ship a cake and a brick wall make up a word wall

One of the ways early readers expand their mastery is by learning to recognize words that have the same spelling pattern. This word wall groups words in the same word families together for easy reference.

Source: Coaching Chronicles

20. Multiple Word Walls

a classroom wall covered with different word walls

This image shows many different uses for word walls in the classroom. From introducing new language to breaking down words into categories, students have multiple points of support.

Source: Christie – Engage 2 Learn

21. Nutrition Word Wall

a poster displaying vocabulary words and pictures that pertain to protein foods

Word walls are a fantastic way to help children develop their phonic/spelling abilities and recognize letter patterns. In addition, they are a great way to categorize words into different groups.

Source: KidLit Bookworm

22. Spanish Vocabulary Word Wall

a word wall written in Spanish under the heading Febrero

Looking for word wall ideas for your world language classroom? This Spanish teacher celebrates February with Valentine’s Day vocabulary words in Spanish to give students instant visual support to build vocabulary quickly.

Source: Señora Lee

23. Student-Made Word Wall

colorful hand-drawn vocabulary words are displayed on a classroom wall

This teacher assigned each student a vocabulary word in their geography unit. Their task was to create a card with the word, an explanation of the word, and a drawing. A clever way to help students take ownership of their learning!

Source: Eureka Sheets

24. Favorite Words Word Wall

a word wall displaying students' favorite words

This creative word wall idea started with a question: What is your favorite word and why? Each student wrote and illustrated their own word to add to the wall. What a great community-building activity!

Source: New End Primary School

Come share your word wall ideas in our WeAreTeachers Helpline Facebook group.

Plus, check out 20 Meaningful Vocabulary Activities for Every Grade.

24 Creative Word Wall Ideas for Your Classroom