Teacher Appreciate Yourself With These Wine Pairings

If you have a good day, it’s drinker’s choice!

If you’ve ever googled “wine pairings,” then you know the results can be a bit overwhelming and even confusing. However, we’ve found a way to make the selection process much easier. Through serious consideration, backed by absolutely zero science, we have you covered. 

Use our guide and poster to figure out what type of wine you should drink, based on what kind of day you had in the classroom. 

We hope you enjoy our completely fun and light-hearted approach to choosing wine. Please drink responsibly. And for those of you who don’t drink wine, don’t worry. We’re working on a chocolate chart next!  

Download the poster here  so you can hang it in the teachers’ lounge!

Wine for Teachers Poster - WeAreTeachers

When you received a phone call from an angry parent …  

Wine for Teachers Cabernet Sauvignon - WeAreTeachers

Drink cabernet sauvignon. 

When you don’t get a bathroom break all day … 

Drink chardonnay. 

When you use glitter in the classroom … 

Drink malbec. 

When you have lunch duty, recess duty, or a combo of the two … 

Drink merlot. 

When you have to deal with standardized testing … 

Drink moscato. 

When you ran out of pencils (or any supplies) yet again … 

Drink pinot grigio … 

When you are late to work … 


Drink pinot noir 

When you’re dealing with a broken copier or laminator … 

Drink rose. 

When half the class doesn’t do the homework … 

Drink sangria. 

When you have a long staff meeting after school … 

Drink sauvignon blanc. 

When you’re functioning on less than four hours of sleep … 

Drink syrah. 

When you have a great day … 

Drink your choice! 

When you missed out on your planning period … 

Drink zinfandel. 

Don’t forget to download the poster here. 

Teacher Appreciate Yourself With These Wine Pairings