18 Clever and Hilarious Ways Teachers Define Their Jobs

18 spot-on, genius answers from teachers who know what it takes.


Teaching is 90% _______________________. We recently posed this fill-in-the-blank question to our fantastic group of teachers on Facebook, and we loved their responses! As you know, teaching can be both challenging and rewarding. Sometimes, you just need need to connect with others who “get it” as much as you. Enjoy these funny, clever and oh-so true answers!

1. Making it work. –Deborah H.

making it work

2. Patience. –Miena D.


3. Improvisation. –Lori Z.


4. Doing what you know is right for your kids. –Alyssa L.

5. Putting out fires. –Alicia B.

putting out fires

6. Acting. We are always on stage no matter what is happening. We have to hold everything together and be ready to change in a nanosecond. I love it. –Marta R.

7. Whispering WTF to yourself. –Katie P.

8. Caffeine. –Sarah B.


9. Pencils…sharpening pencils, finding lost pencils, picking up broken pencils, sharpening more pencils…always pencils. –Tina T.



10. Paper work of some sort. –Kristin P.

11. Thinking about teaching even when you’re not teaching. –Linda L.

always thinking

12. Heart and soul. –Lynn E.

13. Trying not to laugh at the wrong, but hilarious stuff that kids say. –Karina D

wrong but hilarious

14. Listening. Teaching is 90% listening to students, other teachers, and also the environment in the room. –Rodrigo D.

15. Repeating yourself. Repeating directions, rules, classroom norms, homework, expectations. But it still fills my heart. –Danielle M.

repeating yourself

16. Flying by the seat of your pants. –Debra B.

17. Problem solving. –Jeanette W.

problem solving

18. Hoping your students will become decent human beings. –Amber S.

decent humanst

Be sure to share your best answer to the statement, “TEACHING IS 90% ______________” in the comments below. You can check out our video, too!