10 Awards Every Teacher Deserves

It’s time to recognize teachers for their mad skills.

As a teacher, you’re always giving out awards to others. From simple stickers and certificates to trophies and medals, you do a great job of recognizing your students for a job well done. But now it’s your turn to be recognized! We pulled together these 10 teacher awards we think you all deserve. Your friends with traditional jobs are totally missing out!

1. Bladder of Steel Award

Because at 2 o’clock, it’s mind over matter!


2. Penny Pincher Award

Because you know you’re not getting anymore Kleenex.


3. Overachiever Award

Because quality learning doesn’t stop after standardized testing.


4. High Efficiency Award

Because it’s the only way, and you love a challenge.


5. Booky Award

Because this is a gift that will keep on giving.



6. Top Negotiator Award

Because when you set your mind to something, you find a way.


7. Nerves of Steel Award

Because there will always be a new challenge to tackle (and conquer).


8. Scouts Honor Award

Because if when you’re not prepared, you figure it out.


9. Miss Congeniality Award

Because you have to celebrate even the smallest successes.


10. Amazing Teacher Award

Because there’s always a new set of kids who need you in their lives.