The Fabulous Big Summer Bucket List for Teachers

Busy, busy, busy.

The Fabulous Big Summer Bucket List for Teachers

Ah, summer break! That glorious time of year when teachers (hopefully) have (at least a little) time to unwind, detox, de-stress, regroup, relax, and reconnect. Or, as some like to think of it, that sweet light at the end of the tunnel that prevents teachers from losing their minds. Yes, we will miss our little darlings. We will miss the hustle and bustle of the school day, the intellectual challenge of teaching, and the camaraderie with our teacher friends. But we’ll also have plenty to keep us busy. Enter, the fabulous big summer bucket list for teachers.

We compiled some of the best agenda items for teachers on summer break. Feel free to print it out, add your own, or throw a few in the can.

And for those teachers who work year-round, work a second job in the summer, or have schedules dictated by their own kids, we hope you can figure out a way to incorporate at least some of these suggestions (a mini-lesson, say, versus a whole unit of study) into your life this summer.



1. Go into a Netflix-binge-induced coma.



2. Clean, organize, and otherwise get that personal space together! (Probably. Okay, maybe.)


3. Indulge in glorious daily naps and not feel one bit guilty about it.


4. Read books that have ZERO to do with teaching.


5. Trade in that giant teacher bag for a teeny, tiny purse.


6. Go to the chiropractor and see if they can fix my jacked up back. (Curse you, giant teacher bag!)


The Big, Fabulous Summer Bucket List for Teachers


8. Totally lose track of the last time I showered (and not care).


9. Wear flip flops, ONLY flip flops.


10. Blow this Popsicle stand, even if it’s just to the town next door for a day or two.


11. Swim, play, eat, sleep, repeat.


12. Master the perfect sangria recipe (and margarita recipe and martini recipe and … ).


13. Think about tackling all those projects I said I would do “next summer.”


The Big, Fabulous Summer Bucket List for Teachers


15. Let my face look upon the sun instead of fluorescent lights.


16. Not worry about anybody’s behavior except my own.


17. Walk in as crooked a line as I want to.


18. Not count heads whenever I go out in public with a group of people.


19. Not get called daily by the office to enter my attendance.


20. Not have that dream where I’m lecturing with no clothes on.


21. Actually socialize with grown ups on Friday nights.


22. Enjoy my weekends instead of racing through them trying to accomplish everything I didn’t have time for during the week.


The Big, Fabulous Summer Bucket List for Teachers


24. Embrace my hair in its natural state. (In other words, don’t torture it with hot tools and sticky products.)


25. Spend zero minutes in rush hour traffic.


26. Run errands when other people are working (and, honestly, feel a tiny bit superior when I do it).


27. Take a break from my feud with the copy machine.


The Big, Fabulous Summer Bucket List for Teachers


29. Go to the bathroom whenever, and as often as, I want.


30. Spend more than twenty minutes eating lunch.


What will you put on your summer bucket list for teachers? Come and share in our WeAreTeachers Chat group on Facebook. 

Plus, ways to save on travel this summer


The Big, Fabulous Summer Bucket List for Teachers