120 Spring Jokes To Brighten the Season

Spring into laughter!

Spring Jokes Feature

As the snow melts and the flowers begin to bloom, there’s no better way to celebrate the arrival of spring than with a good laugh. Spring jokes have a special way of capturing the essence of the season, bringing warmth and smiles just as the days start to get longer. Whether you’re looking for a chuckle to share with friends or a lighthearted way to welcome the season, this collection of spring jokes is sure to brighten your day. Enjoy!

Spring Jokes To Brighten the Season

1. Why are trees very forgiving in spring?

Why are trees very forgiving in spring?

Because they "turn over a new leaf."

Because they “turn over a new leaf.”

2. Why is everyone so tired on April 1?

Why is everyone so tired on April 1?

Because they just finished a 31-day March.

3. What did the big flower say to the little flower?

What did the big flower say to the little flower?

"Hi, bud!"

“Hi, bud!”

4. Why was the gardener so busy over the weekend?

Why was the gardener so busy over the weekend?

Because his plants were in "spring" training.

Because his plants were in “spring” training.

5. What do you call a girl with a frog on her head?

What do you call a girl with a frog on her head?



6. Why do birds fly north in the spring?

Why do birds fly north in the spring?

Because it's way faster than walking!

Because it’s way faster than walking!

7. How excited was the gardener about spring?

How excited was the gardener about spring?

So excited he wet his plants!

So excited he wet his plants!

8. What season is it when you are on a trampoline?

What season is it when you are on a trampoline?



9. What did one April shower say to the other?

What did one April shower say to the other?

"May flowers."

“May flowers.”


10. Why couldn’t the flower ride its bike?

Why couldn’t the flower ride its bike?

It lost its petals.

It lost its petals.

11. What goes up when the rain comes down?

What goes up when the rain comes down?

An umbrella.

An umbrella.

12. What kind of garden does a baker have?

What kind of garden does a baker have?

A flour garden.

A flour garden.

13. What do you call an emergency in spring?

What do you call an emergency in spring?

May Day.

May Day.

14. Why was the math book sad about spring?

Why was the math book sad about spring?

Because it had too many problems.

Because it had too many problems.

15. What’s spring’s favorite kind of pickles?

What's spring's favorite kind of pickles?



16. Why do bees have sticky hair?

Why do bees have sticky hair?

Because they use honeycombs.

Because they use honeycombs.

17. What did the tree say in spring?

What did the tree say in spring?

What a re-leaf!

What a re-leaf!

18. Why did the worm take a nap?

Why did the worm take a nap?

Because it was tired from turning the spring soil.

Because it was tired from turning the spring soil.

19. What do you get when you plant kisses?

What do you get when you plant kisses?



20. Why don’t you need a map in the spring?

Why don't you need a map in the spring?

Because the flowers start to show their true colors.

Because the flowers start to show their true colors.

21. What’s a rabbit’s favorite springtime dance?

What’s a rabbit’s favorite springtime dance?

The bunny hop.

The bunny hop.

22. Why did the farmer plant a seed in his computer?

Why did the farmer plant a seed in his computer?

He wanted to download some spring flowers!

He wanted to download some spring flowers!

23. How do April flowers kiss?

How do April flowers kiss?

With their tu-lips.

With their tu-lips.

24. Why is spring a great time to start a gardening business?

Why is spring a great time to start a gardening business?

Because it’s the season when you can really rake in the cash!

Because it’s the season when you can really rake in the cash!

25. What kind of bow can’t be tied?

What kind of bow can’t be tied?

A rainbow.

A rainbow.

26. Why was the Easter egg hiding?

Why was the Easter egg hiding?

Because it was a little chicken.

Because it was a little chicken.

27. What do you call it when it rains chickens and ducks in spring?

What do you call it when it rains chickens and ducks in spring?

Fowl weather.

Fowl weather.

28. What do you call a well-dressed lion in spring?

What do you call a well-dressed lion in spring?

A dandy-lion.

A dandy-lion.

29. Why do we never tell secrets in a garden?

Why do we never tell secrets in a garden?

Because the potatoes have eyes, the corn has ears, and the beans stalk.

Because the potatoes have eyes, the corn has ears, and the beans stalk.

30. What did the summer say to the spring?

What did the summer say to the spring?

Help! I’m going to fall.

Help! I’m going to fall.

31. Why did the sun go to school?

Why did the sun go to school?

To get a little brighter for the spring days.

To get a little brighter for the spring days.

32. What did the oak tree say when it saw the cherry blossoms?

What did the oak tree say when it saw the cherry blossoms?

"You look blooming marvelous!"

“You look blooming marvelous!”

33. How does the rain tie its shoes in the spring?

How does the rain tie its shoes in the spring?

With a rainbow.

With a rainbow.

34. What’s a sign that spring is a great investor?

What’s a sign that spring is a great investor?

It always brings May flowers after April showers.

It always brings May flowers after April showers.

35. Why are spring jokes always on time?

Why are spring jokes always on time?

Because they March forward!

Because they March forward!

36. What did the bird say after making its nest in March?

What did the bird say after making its nest in March?

"Home tweet home!"

“Home tweet home!”

37. Why did the gardener plant a seed in the pond?

Why did the gardener plant a seed in the pond?

He wanted to grow a water-melon.

He wanted to grow a water-melon.

38. What’s a tree’s favorite drink?

What's a tree's favorite drink?

Root beer, especially in the spring.

Root beer, especially in the spring.

39. Why was the cucumber not cool?

Why was the cucumber not cool?

Because it saw the salad dressing for the spring picnic.

Because it saw the salad dressing for the spring picnic.

40. What do you call an old snowman in spring?

What do you call an old snowman in spring?

A puddle.

A puddle.

41. What does a cloud wear under its raincoat?

What does a cloud wear under its raincoat?



42. Why is spring the most tear-jerking season?

Why is spring the most tear-jerking season?

Because love—and pollen—are in the air.

Because love—and pollen—are in the air.

43. What did the tree wear to the spring party?

What did the tree wear to the spring party?

A new leaf.

A new leaf.

44. Why was the bee buzzing about spring?

Why was the bee buzzing about spring?

Because it heard the flowers were a-bloom.

Because it heard the flowers were a-bloom.

45. What’s a ghost’s favorite spring flower?

What’s a ghost’s favorite spring flower?

Boo-lips.- spring jokes


46. Why does spring always seem so happy?

Why does spring always seem so happy?

Because it likes to bounce back.

Because it likes to bounce back.

47. What did one spring day say to the other spring day?

What did one spring day say to the other spring day?

"Let’s have a May-keover."

“Let’s have a May-keover.”

48. How do you start a spring garden?

How do you start a spring garden?

With a green thumb and a lot of grow-tivation.- spring jokes

With a green thumb and a lot of grow-tivation.

49. Why was the grass so excited for spring?

Why was the grass so excited for spring?

It was ready for a mow-ment in the sun.

It was ready for a mow-ment in the sun.

50. What kind of garden does an astronaut have?

What kind of garden does an astronaut have?

A space garden, where the stars bloom in spring.

A space garden, where the stars bloom in spring.

51. Why do trees hate tests?

Why do trees hate tests?

Because they get stumped by the questions.- spring jokes

Because they get stumped by the questions.

52. What did the flower say after it told a joke?

What did the flower say after it told a joke?

"I was just pollen your leg!"

“I was just pollen your leg!”

53. What type of weather does a balloon hate?

What type of weather does a balloon hate?

Pop-up showers!

Pop-up showers!

54. How does the moon plant its garden in spring?

How does the moon plant its garden in spring?

By the moonlight, using a space shovel.

By the moonlight, using a space shovel.

55. What’s the best part about spring jokes?

What’s the best part about spring jokes?

They help your giggles bloom.- spring jokes

They help your giggles bloom.

56. Why are spring brooks so gossipy?

Why are spring brooks so gossipy?

Because they're always babbling.

Because they’re always babbling.

57. What do you call springtime magic?

What do you call springtime magic?

A floral enchantment.- spring jokes

A floral enchantment.

58. What do you call a deer that enjoys playing in the rain?

What do you call a deer that enjoys playing in the rain?

A reindeer.

A reindeer.

59. How do you know spring is a good musician?

How do you know spring is a good musician?

Because it has perfect timing—it always arrives on cue.- spring jokes

Because it has perfect timing—it always arrives on cue.

60. Why do birds fly north in the spring?

Why do birds fly north in the spring?

For the early bird special.

For the early bird special.

61. What do you call a rabbit with fleas?

What do you call a rabbit with fleas?

Bugs Bunny.

Bugs Bunny.

62. Why do gardeners make excellent gossipers in spring?

Why do gardeners make excellent gossipers in spring?

Because they have the best dirt.- spring jokes

Because they have the best dirt.

63. What did spring say to the flower?

What did spring say to the flower?

"I've got you covered!"

“I’ve got you covered!”

64. Why are spring showers so rich?

Why are spring showers so rich?

Because they have a lot of liquid assets.- spring jokes

Because they have a lot of liquid assets.

65. What’s spring’s favorite kind of music?

Why are spring showers so rich?

Because they have a lot of liquid assets.


66. Why don’t flowers drive their cars in early spring?

Why don't flowers drive their cars in early spring?

They're afraid of spring potholes.

They’re afraid of spring potholes.

67. What did the leaf say to spring?

What did the leaf say to spring?

"I'm falling for you."- spring jokes

“I’m falling for you.”

68. How do sheep in spring stay clean?

How do sheep in spring stay clean?

Rain showers.

Rain showers.

69. What is the king’s favorite kind of weather?

What is the king's favorite kind of weather?

Reign-y weather!- spring jokes

Reign-y weather!

70. What do you call a bear caught out in the rain in spring?

What do you call a bear caught out in the rain in spring?

A drizzly bear.

A drizzly bear.

71. Why did the gardener take his plant to therapy?

Why did the gardener take his plant to therapy?

Because it had growing pains.- spring jokes

Because it had growing pains.

72. What did spring say to winter?

What did spring say to winter?

"Time to break the ice!"

“Time to break the ice!”

73. Why are spring jokes the best way to start your day?

Why are spring jokes the best way to start your day?

Because they plant a smile on your face.

Because they plant a smile on your face.

74. Why did the spring breakers miss their flight?

Why did the spring breakers miss their flight?

They had no spring in their step.- spring jokes

They had no spring in their step.

75. Why did the lettuce close its eyes?

Why did the lettuce close its eyes?

Because it wanted to seize the day-dream.

Because it wanted to seize the day-dream.

76. How do flowers ride to school in the spring?

How do flowers ride to school in the spring?

On the school bud.

On the school bud.

77. What did the bird say to the worm?

What did the bird say to the worm?

"Early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. Let’s hope spring brings more cheese."- spring jokes

“Early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. Let’s hope spring brings more cheese.”

78. Why did the tomato turn red?

Why did the tomato turn red?

Because it saw the salad dressing for the spring feast.

Because it saw the salad dressing for the spring feast.

79. What’s a tree’s least favorite month?

What’s a tree’s least favorite month?



80. Why did the scarecrow win an award in spring?

Why did the scarecrow win an award in spring?

Because he was outstanding in his field.- spring jokes

Because he was outstanding in his field.

81. What did one raindrop say to the other raindrop?

What did one raindrop say to the other raindrop?

Two is company and three’s a cloud.

Two is company and three’s a cloud.

82. Why do lemons smell so good in spring?

Why do lemons smell so good in spring?

Because they're zest-ful of the season.

Because they’re zest-ful of the season.

83. How do you organize a fantastic spring party?

How do you organize a fantastic spring party?

You planet with flowers, sunshine, and a sprinkle of laughter.- spring jokes

You planet with flowers, sunshine, and a sprinkle of laughter.

84. What did the spring breeze say to the kite?

What did the spring breeze say to the kite?

"Hold on tight—it’s going to be a gusty ride!"

“Hold on tight—it’s going to be a gusty ride!”

85. Why was the cucumber so relaxed in spring?

Why was the cucumber so relaxed in spring?

Because it finally pickled the perfect spot in the garden.

Because it finally pickled the perfect spot in the garden.

86. What’s a cat’s favorite color in spring?

What's a cat's favorite color in spring?

Purr-ple.- spring jokes


87. Why do spring peepers sing so loud?

Why do spring peepers sing so loud?

Because they want to be a part of the spring symphony.

Because they want to be a part of the spring symphony.

88. What do you call it when worms take over the world in spring?

What do you call it when worms take over the world in spring?

Global worming.- spring jokes

Global worming.

89. Why was the book about spring so engaging?

Why was the book about spring so engaging?

Because it had a great “plot” and lots of growth.

Because it had a great “plot” and lots of growth.

90. Why do spring flowers always win at games?

Why do spring flowers always win at games?

Because they're unbe-leaf-ably good at them.

Because they’re unbe-leaf-ably good at them.

91. What did the spring rain say to the flower?

What did the spring rain say to the flower?

"Keep it up and you'll grow into something beautiful!"- spring jokes

“Keep it up and you’ll grow into something beautiful!”

92. Which superhero likes spring the best?

Which superhero likes spring the best?



93. What do you call a snowman in April?

What do you call a snowman in April?



94. Why are bunnies the luckiest animals in spring?

Why are bunnies the luckiest animals in spring?

Because they have four rabbits' feet.

Because they have four rabbits’ feet.

95. How do you catch a squirrel in spring?

How do you catch a squirrel in spring?

Climb a tree and act like a nut!- spring jokes

Climb a tree and act like a nut!

96. Why do bumblebees buzz around flowers in spring?

Why do bumblebees buzz around flowers in spring?

Because they can't find the doorbell!

Because they can’t find the doorbell!

97. Why did the gardener plant light bulbs?

Why did the gardener plant light bulbs?

He wanted to grow a power plant.

He wanted to grow a power plant.

98. Why is the florist so happy in the spring?

Why is the florist so happy in the spring?

Because business is blooming!

Because business is blooming!

99. Why did the spring joke get a great response?

Why did the spring joke get a great response?

Because it was thyme-ly.- spring jokes

Because it was thyme-ly.

100. What kind of egg did the bad chicken lay?

What kind of egg did the bad chicken lay?

A deviled egg.

A deviled egg.

101. Why are spring trees always in shape?

Why are spring trees always in shape?

Because they need to fit into their trunks.

Because they need to fit into their trunks.

102. What did the oak tree wear to the spring dance?

What did the oak tree wear to the spring dance?

Wooden shoes.- spring jokes

Wooden shoes.

103. Why do we tell actors to “break a leg” in spring plays?

Why do we tell actors to "break a leg" in spring plays?

Because every play has a cast coming out in the spring.

Because every play has a cast coming out in the spring.

104. What’s a gardener’s favorite spring sport?

What's a gardener's favorite spring sport?

Weeding. It's a real ground game.

Weeding. It’s a real ground game.

105. Why was the computer cold at the start of spring?

Why was the computer cold at the start of spring?

It left its Windows open.- spring jokes

It left its Windows open.

106. What did one spring flower say to the other?

What did one spring flower say to the other?

"Stop petaling yourself short!"

“Stop petaling yourself short!”

107. Why did the leaf go to the doctor in spring?

Why did the leaf go to the doctor in spring?

It was feeling green.

It was feeling green.

108. How do rabbits travel in spring?

How do rabbits travel in spring?

By hareplane.- spring jokes

By hareplane.

109. What do you call a bear with no teeth in spring?

What do you call a bear with no teeth in spring?

A gummy bear.

A gummy bear.

110. Why don’t secret agents sleep in spring?

Why don't secret agents sleep in spring?

Because they're undercover.

Because they’re undercover.

111. Why are flowers so friendly?

Why are flowers so friendly?

They always have new buds.- spring jokes

They always have new buds.

112. Why was the broom late?

Why was the broom late?

It swept in.

It swept in.

113. What did spring say to the flower bulbs?

What did spring say to the flower bulbs?

"It's time to wake up and smell the roses!"- spring jokes

“It’s time to wake up and smell the roses!”

114. Why do cows go to New York in spring?

Why do cows go to New York in spring?

To see the moo-sicals!

To see the moo-sicals!

115. What did the bird say after building its nest on a clock?

What did the bird say after building its nest on a clock?

"Time flies!"- spring jokes

“Time flies!”

116. Why did the farmer start a punk rock band in spring?

Why did the farmer start a punk rock band in spring?

Because he was tired of hoeing the same old row.

Because he was tired of hoeing the same old row.

117. How do you make a water bed bouncier?

How do you make a water bed bouncier?

Use spring water.

Use spring water.

118. What did the grape say when it got stepped on in spring?

What did the grape say when it got stepped on in spring?

Nothing, it just let out a little wine.- spring jokes

Nothing, it just let out a little wine.

119. Why was the calendar so happy in spring?

Why was the calendar so happy in spring?

Because it had a date.

120. Does February like March?

Does February like March?

No, but April May!

Enjoy these spring jokes? Be sure to check out these Beautiful and Inspiring Spring Poems.

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Laughter is in bloom! We've put together this collection of spring jokes to keep you laughing as the seasons change.