Whether or not it’s snowing where you are, celebrate winter with this free snowman template printable bundle and fun activities. Students practice writing, organization, fine motor skills, and creativity with large, medium, and small printable snowmen!
Grab all these pages by filling out the form on this page. Plus check out the fun ideas for using each printable below.
Large Snowmen Templates

- Create and decorate a large snowman. Students cut out and use the circles to create a snowman and add accessories as they see fit. If they want, students can create themselves as a snowman. Then, post the snowmen around the classroom or in the hallway.
- Go outside and collect items that you can use to decorate the snowman. Acorns, leaves, and sticks can become buttons, hats, and arms. Students cut out the large snowman and decorate it with what they’ve found.
- How to build a snowman: Use the large snowman printable to draft a how-to page for building a snowman. First, write the steps to build a snowman on a large sticky note using transition words (first, next, then, last). Then, use the snowman printable to add an image to go with each sentence.
- Snowman biography: Students research a famous person and create a snowman of that person. They can use the accessories or create their own.
Snowman Printables With Writing Lines

Choose a winter writing prompt and have students copy the final draft onto the snowman printable. Then they can decorate the background. Some winter writing prompts:
- What is your favorite thing about winter?
- What is your favorite winter activity?
- Is winter the best season? Why or why not?
- If you could live anywhere in the world during winter, where would you live?
- If tomorrow were a snow day, what would you do?
- What do you see, hear, smell, taste, and touch during winter?
Medium Snowmen Templates

- Imagine a snowman has a snow day! Students plan how a snowman would use its snow day. Would the snowman want to be out playing in the snow? Or would their snowman be inside an igloo trying to relax? Once they have their ideas, students write a narrative about what the snowman did on its snow day and decorate a medium snowman to illustrate their story.
- Snowman of substance: What can you cover snowmen with? Cotton? Salt? Create snowmen that are different textures and post them in a corner to create a sensory wall.
- Snowman weather forecast: Create a snowman weather forecaster and have them tell the weather. You can research the weather in your area and have the snowman report on actual weather (How would a snowman feel about five days of sun in a row?). Or make up a forecast that a snowman would love. Record students’ forecasts and share them with parents.
Learn more: 43 Best Winter Picture Books
Small Snowmen Templates

- My snowman learned to … Students create a snowman character and imagine what the snowman could learn to do. Maybe they learn to ice-skate or sled. Or maybe they figure out how to bake brownies or plant flowers without melting! Students use the small snowmen to decorate a story they write.
- Snowman poetry: Students decorate a snowman based on a poem about winter. Then they show everyone their snowman and read the poem. Start with these Delightful Winter Poems.
- Facts about snow: Research facts about snow, then create a bulletin board using the snowmen as the experts about snow. Each snowman can “speak” a snow fact.
- Create a snowman matching game: Print and cut out the snowmen. Then make matching pairs by writing matching information on pairs of snowmen. You can make memory games for capital and lowercase letters, numbers and amounts, math facts and answers, and more. Students can play Memory with the snowmen, and if you laminate them, they can last until the next snowfall.
Learn more: What Is Snow and How Does It Form?
Tiny Snowmen Templates

- Life cycle of a snowman: How do snowmen form, from the tiny snowflake to a huge ball of snow? Students cut out the tiny snowmen and use them to show the life cycle of a snowman.
- Heartwarming quotes: Students choose and interpret a snowy quote. They cut out a tiny snowman, decorate it, and cut a note card into a speech bubble. Then they write their interpretation of the quote or what the quote means to them, and put it by the snowman. Use the snowmen and speech bubbles to create a snow-inspired bulletin board.
Learn more: Heartwarming Winter Quotes for Chilly Days
Snowball Printables

- Build-a-name snowman: Students cut a circle for every letter in their name, write one letter on each circle, and stack the letters into a snowman. Make sure to cut and decorate a circle for the head!
- Snowball math: Cut out a bunch of snowballs and have students model math problems with them. Create a snowman that has 3 + 4 snowballs, for example.
Build-Your-Own Snowman Printable Activity

With this creative hands-on activity, kids cut out circles and paste them onto a piece of construction paper to form their snowman’s body. Then they color and cut out accessories and winter scenery to create their own unique snowman.
Get Your Free Snowman Template Printable Bundle

Get each snowman template featured above by clicking the button and filling out the form on this page.