This Teacher Cracked the Code on Getting Students To Actually Read the Agenda

Don’t want to read the agenda? TikToker @christina_pina says, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!”

This Teacher Cracked the Code On Getting Students to Actually Read the Agenda

Remember when we were student teachers, thinking here would be NO way our students would miss the “here’s what we’re doing today” section of our board? If it’s on the board, students will read the agenda, right?


Experience teaches us nearly immediately that no matter how many verbal reminders, students are practically allergic to paying attention to what’s on the board. However, TikToker @christina_pina claims to have cracked the code on getting students to read the agenda.

Skeptical? Same. Let’s take a look:


THE laziest teacher hack to get your kids to finally read instructions. AND they try to get to class early just to find my mistake so less tardies & less confusion all bc I never proof read #teacherhack #teachertip #teachertok #teachersoftiktok #hsteacher

♬ She Share Story (for Vlog) – 山口夕依

Wow. I am no longer skeptical. Come to think of it, this is something that my husband professes is one of his favorite “attention-getters.” @christina_pina and other teachers claim this is the LAZIEST teacher hack because they can quickly type with typos and KNOW it’s going to help increase reading efficiency with their students.

Bonus?! @christina_pina even mentions that her students try to get to class early just to find her mistakes, which equates to less tardies! I wish I had known this hack to make my students actually read the agenda!

What others are saying:

The comment section is clear: Teachers are onboard with this “‘lazy” teacher hack!


How many of our students LOVE to correct and object! Awesome!


I think this is the perfect way to sum it up, S!


Yes! Don’t we all learn more from mistakes anyway?



Her students know she must be real!


OK, I wouldn’t say the only time, but we definitely know what they’re talking about 😀

@christina_pina‘s ingenious “lazy” teacher hack not only simplifies the daily grind but turns a routine classroom task into an engaging challenge for students. And they are even eager to participate! By incorporating intentional typos into the daily agenda, this teacher has unlocked a strategy that increases student engagement and punctuality.

Sometimes, embracing imperfections can lead to better results in our classrooms. Struggling to get your students to pay attention to the agenda? Throw a little error their way and watch them come alive!

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