Phones are our ever-present companions. And since they always seem to be in our hands, they’re essentially an accessory. So why not ditch the bland, run-of-the-mill phone case for something a little more teacher appropriate? Make a fashion statement by grabbing one of our favorite phone cases for teachers—and most of them are under $25! It’s a great way to #treatyourself.
Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!
1. In a world where you can be anything, be kind
Always time to be kind.Â
Get it Â
2. Peace, love, teachÂ
That’s what it’s all about.Â
3. You don’t scare me, I’m a teacher
And keep your hands off my apple!
Get it Â
4. Keep calm and teach on
Deep breaths.Â
Get it Â
5. Teaching is a work of heart
Love’s where it all begins.Â
6. Teacher of tiny humansÂ
Aww, our favorite type of humans.Â
Get it Â
7. Teaching is my jam
Blast off!
Get it Â
8. Best job everÂ
Say it loud; say it proud.Â
9. Definition of a teacher
Caffeine. Especially the caffeine.Â
Get it Â
10. Paint palette
A whole palette of cuteness.
11. Music teacherÂ
Right on pitch.
12. Composition book
The “write” phone case for any teacher!
 13. I know I do math like a girl. Try to keep up
Oh yeah. That’s the formula.Â
 14. There, their, they’reÂ
If only they’d listen!
Get it Â
15. I’m a Spanish teacher. What’s your superpower?Â
Or should we say superpoder?
 16. Periodic tableÂ
It’s rather elemental.
Get it Â
17. Teacher Life
Stare at the wood grain and escape to your happy place.Â
Get it Â
18. Retired teacher
Well, gee, you don’t have to rub it in!
Get it Â
What are your favorite phone cases for teachers? Come and share in our WeAreTeachers Deals group on Facebook.
Plus, our favorite teacher bags.