Best New Books for Kids and Teens in December 2024

Plus, our favorite new December holiday reads!

Collage of December 2024 New Book covers, including A Girl Called Joy and Let It Glow
We Are Teachers; @jennyvalentinebooks and @marissameyerauthor via Instagram

December is an exciting month for many folks, with lots of holidays to celebrate! It’s also the time when wintry weather sets in, making it perfect for cozying up with a new book by the fire. While December isn’t a big month for new releases, there are still plenty of upcoming books we’re excited to check out. In addition to the best new books for December 2024, we’ve also included some of this year’s top new holiday-themed choices. Merry reading and happy new books!

New Picture Books for December 2024

Bert, the Bowerbird book cover

Bert the Bowerbird by Julia Donaldson, illustrated by Catherine Rayner

Bowerbirds are fascinating creatures that carefully build and decorate a bower to attract a mate, as Bert does in this sweet tale. Will his efforts go to waste when Nanette rejects his offering, or will Bert learn to wait until the right bird comes along?

Buy it: Bert the Bowerbird

The Worry Monster book cover

The Worry Monster by Dr. Catherine Cook-Cottone, illustrated by Lena Podesta

Anxiety is more common than ever among today’s kids. Give them ways to manage their apprehensions by introducing them to the Worry Monster and his six mindful exercises anyone can learn to use.

Buy it: The Worry Monster

Springtime Storks book cover

Springtime Storks by Carol Joy Munro, illustrated by Chelsea O’Byrne

White storks mate for life and migrate each year to escape the winter cold. In this true story, Katerina the stork is injured and kept from migrating south with her mate, Luka. Learn about the family that nursed her back to health, and rejoice when Luka returns to her side the following spring.

Buy it: Springtime Storks

Work book cover

Work by Shaina Feinberg, illustrated by Julia Rothman

Expose young readers to a multitude of jobs with this new picture book, which includes everything from surfers to research assistants. Through interviews with people who do these jobs, combined with engaging illustrations, kids will learn about a huge world of employment possibilities to consider one day.

Buy it: Work

New Easy Reader/Chapter Books for December 2024

Into the Dark Forest book cover- new books December 2024

Wildsmith: Into the Dark Forest by Liz Flanagan, illustrated by Joe Todd-Stanton

Rowan and her mother escape the threats of war by fleeing to the forest to live with her grandfather. There, she enters a new and magical world, saving a baby dragon from poachers and making friends with some powerful witches. This is the first of a series that’s perfect for emergent readers who love fantasy worlds.

Buy it: Wildsmith: Into the Dark Forest

Unicornia: Learning to Fly book cover

Unicornia: Learning to Fly by Ana Punset, illustrated by Diana Vicedo

This popular Spanish series is now available in English. Join Claudia on her first day at the Unicornia Academy of Magic, and follow her adventures as she prepares to pass her first big test: learning to fly a unicorn!

Buy it: Unicornia: Learning to Fly

Harriet Hound book cover- new books December 2024

Harriet Hound by Kate Foster, illustrated by Sophie Beer

Harriet Hound is autistic, Australian, and a huge lover of dogs—which is great, because her family runs a rescue shelter. Plus, Harriet even has a superpower! When trouble threatens, she can use her magic pajamas to summon the right helper dog from the shelter, as she does in each of the three stories in this fun new easy reader book.

Buy it: Harriet Hound

New Middle Grade Fiction and Graphic Novels

The Night Animals book cover- new books December 2024

The Night Animals by Sarah Ann Juckes, illustrated by Sharon King-Chai

Nora’s mom has PTSD, and some days she can’t even get out of bed. She and Nora both insist that everything is fine, and they don’t need any help. But Nora’s childhood “ghost animal” friends have come back to show her that might not be the case. She and loyal friend Kwame follow the night animals, learning to accept the badly needed help and compassion others have to offer.

Buy it: The Night Animals

A Girl Called Joy book cover

A Girl Called Joy by Jenny Valentine, illustrated by Claire Lefevre

Joy has spent her life traveling the world with her family. Now, though, she’s headed home to the U.K. to attend “regular school” for the first time. As her name implies, Joy is usually good at finding silver linings, but her new life is more difficult than she expects. Fortunately, a fight to save a historic oak tree gives her the chance to become her optimistic self once again.

Buy it: A Girl Called Joy

Wolves at the Door book cover- new books December 2024

Wolves at the Door by Steve Watkins

In the final months of World War II, Russia’s advancing army bombed the German city of Königsberg, endangering young Asta and Pieta’s family. Their only chance is to flee to a transport ship that will carry them to safety, but they find the journey is even harder than they could ever have imagined. This is a WWII story from a different viewpoint—that of the children on the losing side, who must find a way to survive in a world that has fallen to pieces around them.

Buy it: Wolves at the Door

A Tricky Kind of Magic book cover

A Tricky Kind of Magic by Nigel Baines

Cooper knows all sorts of magic tricks, but they don’t offer much consolation when his father dies suddenly. Coping with his grief becomes too much, and eventually Cooper runs away from home. A visit from a truly magical rabbit-in-a-hat starts him on a journey to the impossible, helping Cooper process his grief in unexpected ways in this new middle grade graphic novel.

Buy it: A Tricky Kind of Magic

Young Adult Fiction and Graphic Novels for December 2024

Tectiv Vol. 1: Noirtopia- new books December 2024

Tectiv Vol. 1: Noirtopia by Richard Ashley Hamilton, illustrated by Marco Matrone

Explore a post-apocalyptic “Ellay” in this new graphic novel, following Bingo Finder (the only literate person in her village) as she looks for her missing best friend. With inspiration from her beloved ancient “tectiv” books, Bingo scours the countryside—and uncovers more than she bargained for.

Buy it: Tectiv Vol. 1: Noirtopia

We Are the Beasts book cover

We Are the Beasts by Gigi Griffis

It’s 1765, and a mysterious beast is stalking a quiet French hamlet. When a local priest blames the beast for attacks on young girls in the community, friends Joséphine and Clara see a unique opportunity. By helping fellow girls from the village fake their deaths, they enable them to escape from abusive men in their lives. Can the girls protect themselves and each other from dangers both real and imagined?

Buy it: We Are the Beasts

Songs for the Offseason book cover

Songs for the Offseason by Ryan Wolf

A novel in verse for sports fans? That’s something that doesn’t come along too often. That alone makes this one worth adding to your classroom shelves. Dustin’s summer plans to travel to Japan with his high school baseball team are dashed when his fellow athlete cousin suddenly dies. At the funeral, he forges a relationship with Andrea, one that’s strengthened as they attend several more funerals over the summer. Through music, baseball, and more, the two learn to understand grief and find ways to forge ahead.

Buy it: Songs for the Offseason

My Fairy God Somebody book cover- new books December 2024

My Fairy God Somebody by Charlene Allen

POC Clae has grown up surrounded mainly by white people and has always had questions about her estranged father. When she has a chance to travel to New York City, where her father went to school, she seizes the opportunity to find out more. The address of a mysterious “fairy god somebody” who’s been sending her mom money for years may just hold the answers she’s been looking for her whole life long.

Buy it: My Fairy God Somebody

New December Holiday Books for 2024

A Stickler Christmas book cover

A Stickler Christmas by Lane Smith

Stickler has found the perfect stick for each of his forest friends, like a hop-higher stick for Rabbit. But Doug-the-fir says he doesn’t want a gift at all, since he’s dreading becoming a Christmas tree. Can Stickler find a way to make Doug’s holidays happy too? (Grades pre-K to 2)

Buy it: A Stickler Christmas

The Light From My Menorah book cover- new books December 2024

The Light From My Menorah by Robin Heald, illustrated by Andrea Blinick

Hanukkah is the Jewish Festival of Lights, but many other cultures celebrate a festival of lights too. Follow the light from one menorah as it travels the world exploring holidays like Diwali, Kwanzaa, and more. (Grades pre-K to 2)

Buy it: The Light From My Menorah

Chicka Chicka Ho Ho Ho book cover

Chicka Chicka Ho Ho Ho by William Boniface, illustrated by Julien Chung

A told B and B told C—no, wait, it’s not a coconut tree this time! Instead, the letters meet on the branches of a Christmas tree, then fall to the ground among all the presents below. Kids will love this merry holiday twist on the beloved classic. (Grades pre-K to 2)

Buy it: Chicka Chicka Ho Ho Ho

Winter Magic book cover- new books December 2024

Winter Magic by Robert Burleigh, illustrated by Wendell Minor

Celebrate all the delights of the chilly season with this charming new picture book. Get ready for snow angels, tree decorating, lighting the menorah, and all the pleasures winter brings! (Grades pre-K to 2)

Buy it: Winter Magic

The House Without Lights book cover

The House Without Lights by Reem Faruqi, illustrated by Nadia Alam

One house on the block can’t help noticing it’s never lit up for any holiday. It watches as others sparkle for Christmas, light up for Diwali, and glow gently for Hanukkah. But a new family gives the house a chance to shine for a holiday of its own: Eid! This holiday book highlights reminds kids that all celebrations are special, whatever the time of year. (Grades pre-K to 3)

Buy it: The House Without Lights

Tamales for Christmas book cover

Tamales for Christmas by Stephen Briseño, illustrated by Sonia Sánchez

Grandma spends the fall months making and selling tamales by the dozen to earn money for Christmas celebrations. As the days pass, her total rises and rises, until she’s made “1,000 dozen tamales” (make kids do the math on that one!) for Christmas. (Grades pre-K to 2)

Buy it: Tamales for Christmas

Let It Glow book cover- new books December 2024

Let It Glow by Marissa Meyer and Joanne Levy

The Parent Trap gets a holiday makeover as a pair of separated-at-birth twins make plans to swap for a few days to learn about each other’s holiday celebrations. In the end, they discover much more than Christmas trees and Hanukkah menorahs in this pleasing new middle grade holiday read. (Grades 4-8)

Buy it: Let It Glow

Looking for more holiday picks? Check out Our Favorite Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and Christmas Books for Kids!

Plus, 43 Picture Books About Winter.

All the best fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, teen lit, and more! These are the new books we can't wait to read in December 2024.