School librarians do so much for students and staff every day. Who hasn’t been looking for a book and found that the school librarian knew just the title? Learn more about National School Librarian Day on April 4, 2024, and meaningful ideas to celebrate.
What is National School Librarian Day?
National School Librarian Day 2024 is a day to recognize and celebrate all that school librarians do. From helping kids fall in love with reading to choosing the perfect book for a reluctant reader to organizing the annual book fair, this is the chance to make librarians feel special.
When is National School Librarian Day 2024?
School Library Month takes place in April, per the American Association of School Librarians (AASL). It’s been celebrated since April 1, 1985, when AASL started the event. National School Librarian Day 2024 is April 4.
Also in April:
- National Library Week: April 7–13
- Right to Read Day: April 8
- National Library Workers Day: April 9
- National Library Outreach Day: April 10
- Take Action for Libraries Day: April 11
There’s a lot of reading to celebrate in April!
11 Ways To Celebrate National School Librarian Day 2024
1. Get them a literary gift

It probably goes without saying that librarians love book gifts. Check out our full list of gifts for librarians for lots of ideas.
Buy it: Book Nook Reading Valet at Uncommon Goods
2. Host a school book drive

Organize a way for your librarian to have even more books to use. Take the month of April to host a school book drive and collect books for your library.
Learn more: Start a Book Drive at Access Books
3. Create book displays

Take over the school library display tables and cases. Have students create displays of books the librarian has recommended, students’ favorite read-alouds, information that students have learned at the library, or another idea.
Learn more: Adopt-a-Shelf at WebJunction
4. Create poster displays

Light up the halls with appreciation with a poster contest. Have students create a poster celebrating either the school library, the librarian, or libraries in general. Then, paper the halls with them. Or have students create posters of their favorite books to display. Learn more about how one librarian has students design book club posters for their school library.
5. Bring books to life

Have students reflect on what the school library and librarian have meant to them with this activity from Sarah Chesworth.
Get it: Bring Books to Life activity at Sarah Chesworth
6. Highlight your school librarian on social media
Use the hashtag #NationalSchoolLibrariansDay and your school librarian will join others around the country.
7. Mail notes of appreciation

Set up a mailbox where students can drop notes of appreciation for the school librarian. Leave the mailbox up all month long so students can keep the kind notes coming!
8. Fill the halls with library love

Here’s another way to fill the hallways with library love. Have students create a collaborative bulletin board to celebrate the school library. Here are two ideas: a month of relevant reads or a bulletin board that brings books to life.

Learn more: Bring Books to Life bulletin board idea at Sarah Chesworth
9. Gift a librarian shirt

A librarian T-shirt is a fun way to appreciate a school librarian who has a sense of humor and loves a statement tee.
Buy it: School Librarian T-Shirt at Amazon
10. Provide student volunteers
Create a roster of responsible, older students to reshelve books, help younger students check out books, tidy spaces, and other tasks to help out the librarian. After all, one of the best ways for students to appreciate all the librarian does is to try the job on for size!
11. Advocate for school libraries

Research the importance of school libraries and librarians and have students write a letter to a local newspaper or politician advocating in support of school libraries. Challenge students to ask for something specific for their own school library that a school board might provide.
Also check out our article The Loss of School Librarians Is Hurting Kids (and Teachers).
How are you going to celebrate National School Librarian Day 2024? Come share your ideas and ask for advice in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook!