A teacher’s day starts early. There isn’t a lot of time to ease into the morning before school starts. But even if you only have a few minutes, there are some simple ways to start your day off on the right foot. If it feels meaningful, intentional, and consistent, it will make a difference. Here are seven morning routines for teachers that take 10 minutes or less.Â
1. Got ten minutes? Move your body
Because teachers are up on their feet, you’re already getting in your steps. But, starting your day with a little bit of movement will jumpstart your energy. Yoga and stretching are a teachers’ morning workout of choice because you get to focus on yourself, calm your mind, and brace yourself for the day ahead. If you’re looking to break a sweat, we’ve bookmarked this six-minute workout video as one of our go to’s, and check out these teacher tips for more ideas.
2. Got eight minutes? Write it out
Clearing your mind first thing can make a big difference in how the rest of your day goes. Journaling doesn’t mean you have to write a lot or that it has to be amazing (or even grammatically correct!). It’s an opportunity for you to jot down what you notice and how you’re feeling. We love Julia Cameron’s Morning Pages  from The Artist’sWay. Write down everything that comes to mind … from remembering to pick up the dry cleaning to why you become a teacher. Another favorite morning writing practice is Laurie Wagner’s Wild Writing. Read a poem, and then pick a jump-off line. Start your journaling with that line and repeat it every time you feel stuck.Â
3. Got six minutes? Eat breakfast
For teachers, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. My typical lunch was spooning yogurt into my mouth while standing in front of the copier. Sometimes I would manage to eat two Luna Bars! So, getting good nutrition for breakfast made a big difference in my energy levels. I love putting smoothie ingredients in bags and freezing them. Another favorite? Mrs. E’s teacher-approved recipe for overnight oats.
4. Got four minutes? Write down three things
Pull up your calendar or get out your planner and decide what today’s non-negotiables are. What has to get done during the school day that you want to prioritize? Write these items down so you feel like you have a handle on your to-do list.Â
5. Got two minutes? Make your bed
If you want to start the day off feeling accomplished and productive, make your bed. It doesn’t take long, and eliminating outer chaos can help you feel calmer. In fact, when Gretchen Rubin, the happiness expert, was researching her book, she found that making the bed was the one habit that made people happiest.
6. Got one minute? Feel thankful
Before you jump out of bed and take on all the things, pause for a minute and think about what you’re grateful for. It can be the small stuff: hot coffee that you didn’t have to microwave three times, a student’s funny joke that made everyone laugh, or a canceled faculty meeting. Think about the big stuff too: your health, your family, and your students.
7. Got thirty seconds? Drink water
When we wake up, we haven’t had any water for hours. Drink a glass of water to hydrate and feel more energized for the day. Try to hold off on coffee until after. I know. Easier said than done! Then, enjoy your coffee and happy teaching!Â
Creating a morning routine that works for you doesn’t mean that every morning will go as planned. You may oversleep or have a cold or your kids were up all night. That’s why we designed this list so that you can pick and choose depending on how much time you have. It helps take the pressure off and gives you a chance to experiment and pick and choose depending on how you feel and what you need.Â
What is your morning routine? Share in the comments! Plus, get more teacher stories and tips by subscribing to our newsletter.
Also: 12 Teacher-Tested Tips For Getting Better Sleep Every Night.Â