Meghan Mathis, M.Ed., Elementary and Special Education
Meghan is an Associate Editor at We Are Teachers. She spent 18 years teaching English/Language Arts in the public school setting and holds a Master's Degree in Elementary and Special Education.
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Our students need to learn how to type.
Weird how that cough goes away every weekend.
Jams for assemblies, hallways, and classrooms.
It's a perfect way to make this important information fun and memorable.
Take your classroom pocket chart to the next level!
A hands-on tool for teaching the phases of the cell cycle your students will love!
Take your lessons on acids and bases to the next level with this ready-to-go lab kit.
Because big kids want to celebrate the season too!
These stories will get them giggling while they're learning.
Just a few minutes a day can help your students become media literacy pros!
This free research project will pay you to try it out with your students.
Now your students can learn in ways that work for them.
America’s most prestigious award in constitutional history and government for secondary teachers.
Build classroom rapport one thought-provoking question at a time.
Perfect for whole-class lessons, early finishers, and emergency sub plans.
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