The world of marbles goes far beyond just pretty glass balls. There’s even specific terminology like shooter, aggie, and knuckle down. While there are plenty of games you can play with just a simple tin or bag of marbles, there are also many specialized marble games you can buy. Whether it’s playing classic marbles, creating a homemade marble run, or playing a game like KerPlunk, there are many benefits for players of all ages. Young kids can improve their fine motor skills while older kids can hone their logic and reasoning skills, all while having fun! Grab some friends and check out our favorite marble games.
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Best Marble Sets
Before you get started playing these marble games, you’ll need a set of marbles. Here are some to consider:
- 85-Piece Marble Set (Various Sizes) in Drawstring Bag at Amazon
- 160 Retro Marbles in Tin Box at Amazon
- 300 Count Bulk Marbles at Amazon
- 30-Piece Glow-in-the-Dark Marbles at Amazon
- 10 Collector Marbles in a Travel Tin at Amazon
Best DIY Marble Games and Activities
1. Shooting Marbles
Before playing marble games, it is important to learn some basic techniques like how to shoot a marble. The child in this video does a good job explaining how!
2. Classic Marbles
This is a classic marbles game that requires only a bag of marbles and some string or painter’s tape to designate the playing area. Players attempt to use shooters (a designated marble) to try to knock marbles outside the circle while keeping their shooter inside the playing area.
3. Mini Marble Golf
This game combines the competitiveness of mini golf with the fun of marbles. Simply dig a marble-sized hole outside and then take turns trying to roll your marble into the hole. If you miss, you hit the marble on your second try from wherever it landed after the first roll. See how many holes in one you can get while having a blast with your friends!
4. Off the Wall
All you need to play this fun game is an empty cup, a marble, and a wall. Try different ways of getting your marble to bounce off the wall and then into the cup. But be careful that there’s nothing breakable nearby!
5. The Conqueror

Before playing, each of the three players is assigned 10 marbles. Create a line on the floor and have players shoot a marble toward the line—the closest gets to go first. Player one throws a marble anywhere they like, and then player two must try to throw their marble and hit the first one. If the marbles collide, the original marble is captured, but if they miss, that marble stays in play. Player three has the option to hit either of the marbles if both remain in play. If a player hits multiple marbles with one throw, they get to keep them all. Play continues until there are no more marbles left in the middle. The player with the most marbles is then declared the winner.
6. Pool Noodle Marble Race
We love that a couple of recycled items and some marbles can serve up so much fun. Grab some pool noodles, masking tape, and an old shoebox, and then get to work creating a racetrack for your marbles. Finally, grab your favorite marble and race your bestie!
7. Guess the Number of Marbles

Fill a jar with marbles and then have players guess how many marbles are in the jar. The player to come the closest is declared the winner.
8. Marble Painting
While this isn’t a game, it is a really fun activity that can be done with marbles, a plastic tray, paper, and some paint. Simply pick your paint colors, dip the marbles in them, and then roll the marbles around the paper. Once dry, you have some really neat art to display.
9. Clothespin Marble Run
This marble run is both easy and fun. It can be made from things you probably already have lying around the house.
10. Bullseye Marbles
This one is so easy: Just draw a ring on the ground with chalk and create sections that are worth different amounts of points (similar to a dartboard). Be sure to make the bullseye in the center worth the most points. Finally, roll your marbles and see who earns the most points.
11. Marble Toss
Simply set up some plastic cups or containers and then assign points for each container. (Tip: Make the closer cups worth fewer points and the farthest cup or cups worth the most.) Each player gets a set number of marbles and must try to toss them into the cups. The player with the most points at the end is the winner.
12. Pop-Its
What’s more calming than a good fidget toy? Grab those Pop-Its and some marbles and play around for the ultimate sensory experience.
13. Cherry Pit
We love marble games that require little more than marbles! Before playing this fun game, dig a 1-foot hole in the ground. Players take turns flicking their marbles toward the hole, being careful not to let it actually fall into the “cherry pit”! The player who comes the closest to the hole without getting it in wins!
14. Thin Ice

If you were a fan of the game Don’t Break the Ice growing up, you will love this DIY version using marbles. Some cardboard, an embroidery hoop, and paper towels are all you need to play.
Learn more: Thin Ice Game at Barley & Birch
15. DIY Newton’s Cradle
A marble game that also doubles as a science lesson? Yes, please! Popsicle sticks, string, hot glue, and marbles are all it takes to make your very own Newton’s cradle!
16. Ultimate Marble Run/Dominoes
While we love a marble game that requires minimal supplies, we also love the idea of using a ton of supplies! This marble run utilizes store-bought runs in addition to dominoes, Jenga pieces, train tracks, and other supplies.
17. Booby Trap
To start, gather a bunch of pens or pencils on a flat surface and then arrange them as a maze for a few marbles to pass through. Once done, test your maze with a marble and then begin introducing booby traps into the equation. These can include bottle caps, double-sided tape, etc. See how many booby traps your marbles can pass through without getting caught!
18 & 19. Marble Scoop (0:00 – 1:46) and Speedy Marble Catch (1:47 – 2:56)
Marble games are fun, but they can also be really useful as a teaching tool. All you need for Marble Scoop is a shallow container of water, a scoop of some sort, and a whole lot of marbles. Toddlers and preschoolers can improve their hand-eye coordination and gross motor skills while they have fun fishing the marbles out of the water.
For Speedy Marble Catch, all you need are some marbles and a plastic cup and then you are ready to play. One player sits across from the “catcher” and simply rolls marbles across a flat surface while their friend traps them with the cup. Depending on the age of the catcher, you can roll more than one marble at a time and at varying speeds.
Marble Games To Buy
20. Trestle Tracks

If you have kids who love to build, this is the perfect marble game for them! You can follow the supplied directions and create one of the pre-established marble runs or create your own. We especially love that it includes a piece that makes the marbles alternate direction.
Buy it: Trestle Tracks at Amazon
21. KerPlunk

Many parents and teachers probably remember playing this game growing up since it has been around since the 1960s. Regardless of whether you are 6 or 60, you will love trying to pull a stick without making all those beautiful marbles go “kerplunk!”
Buy it: KerPlunk at Amazon
22. Gravity Maze

This game is challenging for anyone from upper elementary school to adult since it features different difficulty levels. Players select a challenge card and then attempt to build a maze that will allow the marble to travel to its end destination.
Buy it: Gravity Maze at Amazon
23. Chinese Checkers

We love the idea of unplugging with a simple and classic game like Chinese checkers. This set is both attractive and affordable.
Buy it: Chinese Checkers at Amazon
24. Flying Marbles

Marble games that combine skill, strategy, and fun are tops in our book. Players aim their jump and then launch their marble. Points are scored when a marble lands in one of the 10 different scoring holes in the stadium.
Buy it: Flying Marbles at Amazon
25. Magnetic Marble Run

Another marble run except this time it’s magnetic! While there are a lot of marble runs on the market, this one is unique thanks to its thin, magnetic pieces. The junior engineer in your life will surely love this set.
Buy it: Magnetic Marble Run at Amazon
26. Shoot the Moon

This is a classic game that is equally attractive and fun to play! It looks so nice, it would even make for nice decor for a living room or office. The metal marble is balanced on the metal tracks and then dropped into one of the planet holes to try to score points.
Buy it: Shoot the Moon at Amazon
27. Rock Me Archimedes

Although simple, this game forces players to make the most of their critical thinking skills. Players race against one another while trying to be the first to get four of their marbles to the end of the board.
Buy it: Rock Me Archimedes at Amazon
28. Marble Maze

Marble games like this one that help little ones develop their fine motor and decision-making skills are some of the best!
Buy it: Marble Maze at Amazon
29. Jokers & Marbles

The well-made game board and pretty glass marbles will certainly be a hit at family game night.
Buy it: Jokers & Marbles at Amazon
30. Klask

This game is similar to foosball in that players control their peg and try to score by getting their marble into the other player’s goal. And it’s portable so you can bring the fun with you!
Buy it: Klask at Amazon
31. Marble Tree

This is an adorable marble run in the shape of a tree. It will have your toddler or preschooler mesmerized as they watch the marbles travel down the branches.
Buy it: Marble Tree at Amazon
32. 3D Gravity Maze Ball

The 3D shape of this maze ball gives it that little something extra that sets it apart from other marble mazes. Adults and kids alike will find it entertaining.
Buy it: 3D Gravity Maze Ball at Amazon
33. Giggle Wiggle

This game is perfect for working on little ones’ fine motor skills since they will have to balance their marbles on the caterpillar’s arms while it wiggles all around.
Buy it: Giggle Wiggle at Amazon
34. Glow-in-the-Dark Marble Run

National Geographic makes some of the most unique marble runs on the market, and we especially love that this one features marbles that glow in the dark!
Buy it: National Geographic Marble Run at Amazon
If you like these marble games and are looking for more play-based learning, try these Educational Board Games for your little learners.
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