If you’re teaching grades K-2, don’t miss these free decodable worksheets! They’ll pair perfectly with your favorite decodable text and make for an easy, ready-to-go activity. These decodable worksheets all build upon each other to help students learn the parts of a story, characters and setting, word-decoding skills, prefixes and suffixes, and more.
Head over to Lerner, fill out your email, and get these awesome, free worksheets!
Check out all 9 decodable worksheets:
1. Uppercase and Lowercase
Use these example sentences to pick out the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters.
2. Sound It Out
Start sounding out word segments and blending sounds. Have students segment each word into sounds on their worksheet.
3. Word Ladders
Work on decoding skills by exploring phonemes.
4. Make Your Own Word Ladder
After students fill in the pre-made work ladder, they can create their own!
5. Word Builder
Learn about prefixes and suffixes and how they can change the meaning of a word.
6. Who, Where, What?
Help students identify characters, settings, and events. Introduce them to these terms, and have students think about where they saw each one in the story.
7. Story Map
Explore the beginning, middle, and end of the story by mapping it out and then retelling the story to a classmate.
8. Story Detectives
Identify the main parts of a story with this easy-to-use worksheet.
9. Create a Cover
Add a bit of creativity by having students create their own cover that gives clues about the story inside.