Teach Kids To Read Between the Lines With These Inferences Anchor Charts

There’s more to a text than the words themselves.

Collage of Inferences Anchor Charts

Learning to make inferences is a key literacy skill. Students must look past what the text says and draw deeper conclusions as they read. These inferences anchor charts will help your students get more from their reading. Try one or more in your language arts classroom!

1. Inferences Definition

Anchor chart providing the definition of Inferences as "figuring out something that was completely explained in the story" (Inferences Anchor Charts)

Start with a basic definition to help students understand what it means to make inferences. Teach them to be detectives while they read.

Learn more: First Grade Fresh

2. Inference Examples

Making an Inference anchor chart with two examples

The best way to help kids understand inference is to provide some examples. After all, this is something they do all the time in regular life. Examples from their reading can help them see how it applies there too.

Learn more: One Stop Teacher Shop


3. Puzzle Pieces

Making Inferences anchor chart with puzzle piece clues

Making inferences is like finding puzzle pieces and then assembling them to see the whole picture. This is one of those inferences anchor charts that’s easy enough for any teacher to make and is very visually effective.

Learn more: Iliana Hinojosa-Molina/Pinterest

4. Observation vs. Inference

Anchor chart with examples of observations and inferences (Inferences Anchor Charts)

This simple chart helps kids understand the difference between observations (what they see) and inferences. Add examples with sticky notes, and this is one of those inferences anchor charts you can use year after year.

Learn more: NC Teacher Stuff

5. What the Text Said … What I Can Infer


Anchor chart using sticky notes to match inferences to observation (Inferences Anchor Chart)

Use this basic chart to list examples from a current text and the inferences students have made from those examples.

Learn more: ELA in the Middle

6. Making and Supporting Inferences

Anchor chart about making and supporting inferences

Good inferences are more than just guesses or “gut feelings.” They must be backed up with evidence from the text, as this anchor chart shows.

Learn more: Buzzing With Ms. B

7. Rockin’ Readers Infer

Inferences anchor chart showing a drawing of a student with methods of inferring (Inferences Anchor Charts)

Help kids picture themselves making inferences with this chart. Don’t want to draw? Use free teacher clipart instead.

Learn more: Miss Rainbows Class

8. Making Inferences

Reusable anchor chart for making inferences from pictures

Pictures are a good way to introduce inferences. Ask kids to use evidence (what they can see) and schema (their own background knowledge) to determine more about the photo.

Learn more: Read With Me ABC

9. What Do You Think?

What Do You Think? Inferences anchor chart

Ultimately, inferences are as simple as clues from the text combined with what you already know. This chart provides some ways kids can think about the text to discover more.

Learn more: Tramainia/Pinterest

10. Use Questioning to Infer

Anchor chart reminding students to use questioning to infer (Inferences Anchor Charts)

Making inferences is all about asking questions. “Thick questions” are those that lead to deeper thinking about the text.

Learn more: Think Grow Giggle

11. Inference Traffic Light

Inferences anchor chart showing a traffic light

This one is for your speed readers! A quick look at a text isn’t enough to make good inferences. Encourage kids to stop and consider while they read.

Learn more: Rockin Resources

12. Inferring Thinking Stems

Inferring question stems like "perhaps" and "my guess is"

For kids who are feeling stuck, try these question stems. They can help kickstart deeper thinking.

Learn more: Classroom Nook

13. Literal vs. Inferential

Literal vs Inferential anchor chart explaining the differences between the two

“Literal” is another way of talking about the observations we make from what’s written or pictured. Use this chart to compare them with inferences.

Learn more: Teaching With a Mountain View

14. Inference Flowchart

A flowchart for making inferences while reading (Inferences Anchor Charts)

A flowchart like this one walks students through the steps of making inferences. It does a terrific job of reminding them to find evidence to support their conclusions.

Learn more: Book Units Teacher

15. All-In-One Inferences Anchor Chart

Comprehensive anchor chart with lots of information on making inferences while reading

This last example combines elements of many other inferences anchor charts. Students will find lots of useful information whenever they need it.

Learn more: Sassy Savvy Simple Teaching

Looking for more? Check out these 40 anchor charts that nail reading comprehension.

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Teach Kids To Read Between the Lines With These Inferences Anchor Charts