Looking for a fun way to get your students excited about reading? Allow us to introduce you to “Flashlight Fridays.” It’s as simple as the name suggests. One teacher recently explained in our WeAreTeachers—First Years! Facebook group, “Every Friday, we will read to ourselves using a flashlight! I will turn out all the lights, let the kids pick a spot, give them a finger flashlight, and we will read!”
Dana from Second Grade Sassy Pants on Instagram also recently shared how much her class loves this activity. “It’s amazing how a little flashlight can spark a new level of reading engagement!”
(Image courtesy of @2ndgradesassypants)
Of course, you can get creative with how you use the idea in your classroom. Another teacher in the Facebook thread said she has her students use mini lights to trace letters from a projector.
(Image courtesy of Jennifer R.)
Yet another teacher chimed in to say her kindergarten class uses it to write “sky letters”—spelling out sight words on the ceiling while they dance around the room! Math, science, music, and more subjects can get in on the illuminated learning, too. The possibilities are only as endless as your imagination. Plus, there are a ton of resources available on Teachers Pay Teachers, including template letters to request parents purchase mini flashlights for their kids.
We’ve also found some budget-friendly options for teachers who want to stock up on flashlights to keep in the classroom. Whichever way you go, there’s no doubt your students will love this bright spin on learning!
(Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!)
48 Pack Finger Lights
At just about 25 cents apiece, this bulk pack of colorful finger lights will come in handy when kiddos inevitably lose a few.
24 Pack LED Light Up Bumpy Rings
These adorable animal shapes will add extra fun to the flashlight Friday festivities. Plus, they make great desk pets when they’re not being used for learning.
6 Pack Ozark Trail Handheld LED Flashlights
You can grab a few of these packs at a dollar each to have plenty for the whole class without spending a bundle.
3 Pack Light-Up Finger Lights
Another great dollar deal, you can stock up on this style for every student or simply have a few around as spares.
48 Pack Mini Flashlight Keychain
The keychain on this bulk pack might make it easier to keep them from getting lost in between flashlight Fridays.