FREE Google Form: Get This Family-School Communication Survey for ELL Families

With easy translation into dozens of languages!

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Family-school communication survey Google Form on a computer screen next to a plant

Fully supporting our English Language Learners means fully engaging their families. This can be a challenge when parents are learning English as well. A good first step is to reach out to families with a quick, informal survey to find out their communication preferences and needs. Try it today by sending out this readymade Family-School Communication Survey (and it’s a Google Form, so it’s super easy to translate!).

What’s included

This survey includes an introduction which you can personalize, as well as a host of questions that will give you important information for communicating with ELL families, such as:

  • What is your preferred language for school communications?
  • How do you prefer to communicate with your child’s teacher?
  • Do you require a translator?

We’ve also included questions that will help you learn about the language needs of your student, including:

  • What language did your child first learn?
  • Has your child received English language services in school in the past?

How to use the form

  1. Click on the button at the bottom of the page to get the Google Forms link.
  2. You’ll be prompted to make a copy.
  3. Now that you’ve saved it to your drive, you can edit the introduction and questions and add your school logo.
  4. Click the “Send” button. You can send the survey out directly via email, save the link, or add it to your Google Classroom.
  5. As families complete the survey, the results will be collected under the Responses Tab.

Screenshot of Family-School Communication Survey Google Form

How to translate

Your ELL families will need this Family-School Communication Survey in their home languages. Here’s how to do that easily:

  1. Right click. Select “Translate to English.”
  2. From the pop-up, click on the three dots. Select “Choose Another Language.”
  3. Choose the language you want.

Screen shot of how to translate a Google Form

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