Worksheets get a bad rap. But when it comes to math skills practice, there’s really no substitute. Math worksheets play an important role in learning—from building fluency to internalizing new concepts. They also help encourage good homework habits. And, as these edHelper math worksheets show, worksheets don’t have to be boring.
Right now, edHelper is offering free printables of their math worksheet jumbo packs. These engaging worksheets are updated monthly with new graphics, so there’s always an appropriate theme, no matter the time of year. Take a look at our recommendations by grade level:
Primary grade math practice
Page 10 of the kindergarten pack has a cute graphic that illustrates a story problem. Print, laminate, and put it at a math center. Your kinders can act it out with teddy bear counters to make the learning more tangible.
First Grade
Fact fluency is all about repetition, but you can jazz it up with a worksheet like the one on page 4 of the first grade pack. Students will enjoy it even more if you let them use a highlighter to color in the boxes to show the path for Robot to find Rover.
Second Grade
Perimeter is a tricky concept. Print out copies of page 23 of the second grade pack and provide your students with tiles to fill in the shapes and then calculate the distance around each shape.
Upper elementary math practice
Third Grade
Getting those multiplication facts memorized is a priority. Have your students fill in the blanks on the multiplication chart on page 8 of the third grade pack and keep it in a folder as a reference.
Fourth Grade
Do you have early finishers? Math puzzle worksheets will help them extend their learning by further practicing their addition of decimals (page 9 of the fourth grade pack) and fractions (page 57).
Fifth Grade
Mathematical reasoning can be hard to measure. Use page 35 of the fifth grade pack for a quick assessment.
Sixth Grade
They’ve learned PEMDAS, so now what? Give them a twist on their order of operations practice on page 10 of the sixth grade pack.