Clarification: Draper James has announced that they are currently vetting teachers’ credentials and will be selecting 250 winners at random (U.S. only). On April 7, winning teachers will receive a promo code via email that entitles them to one free dress, to be selected from the category link provided, plus free shipping eligible. All teachers who entered will receive an exclusive promo code for 30% off to shop the dresses of their choice.
Faced with a sudden and unprecedented move to remote teaching, teachers didn’t skip a beat to ensure that student learning continues. They’re figuring out how to balance working from home … all while working harder than ever. And we’re not the only ones who have taken notice. Reese Witherspoon’s brand of Southern-inspired fashion, Draper James, is giving away free dresses to teachers across the nation.
The Draper James ❤️ Teachers Giveaway aims to shine a light on the incredible work of teachers during this uncertain time. In a press release, the actress and producer said, “During quarantine, teachers are broadcasting lessons from their own homes and figuring out new remote-learning technology and platforms on the fly, all while continuing to educate and connect with our kids. I wanted to show teachers a little extra love right now.”Â
Here’s how to participate:
- Complete  this Google form before Sunday, April 5th at 11:59PM ET. (You’ll need your school ID!)
- Await an email with instructions on how to redeem your new dress.
- Contact with any questions.
It’s that easy. Simply fill out the form and you get a free Draper James dress (and their dresses are so pretty). The company also plans to offer teachers 25% off online orders for Teacher Appreciation Day on May 5.
It’s nice to be appreciated, isn’t it?
Looking for more great teacher stuff? Check out our Deals & Shopping page.
Plus, 30 Ways Teachers Can Treat Themselves for Less Than $5.