Teachers love to display student work in their classrooms and around the school. It’s a terrific way to show off accomplishments and inspire other students too. We’ve rounded up our favorite ways to feature kids’ masterpieces, including some that are perfect for virtual classrooms. Take a look—you just might find some inspiration yourself!
Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!
1. Post them with clothespins
This extremely simple way to display student work has a big advantage: no bulletin board required. Suspend a couple of ribbons and use clothespins to hang work. So easy!
Learn more: The Simplified Classroom
2. Hang colorful clipboards
Here’s another method that doesn’t require a bulletin board. Mount clipboards on the wall, and switch work in and out without damaging it with pushpin holes.
Learn more: Cassie Stephens
3. Re-purpose plastic pocket dividers
Plastic pocket dividers are sturdy but fairly inexpensive, so they’re a smart way to create a student work display. Pick up a pack of 8 from Amazon here.
Learn more: Upper Grades Are Awesome
4. Display student work on The Fridge
Every parent knows that star papers go on the fridge, so why not have one in your classroom! This is a great way to use space on the sides of file cabinets or metal doors.Â
Learn more: Scaffolded Math and Science
5. Craft adorable bobbleheads
These will take a little work up-front, but kids will absolutely love them! Learn how to make this incredible student work display idea at the link.
Learn more: A Dab of Glue Will Do
6. Try a virtual bulletin board to display student work
Virtual classrooms call for virtual bulletin boards! Use a program like Google Slides and add pretty backgrounds and some pushpin images. Parents will appreciate getting to visit these boards from home too.
Learn more: Spark Creativity
7. Clip them to the blinds
Got mini-blinds in your classroom? Use them to display student work! Papers are light enough to clip to the blinds without bending them or interfering with their daily use.
Learn more: Always Learn and Love/Instagram
8. Frame it up
Raid the thrift store for gorgeous frames, then hang them on the wall to set off your students’ best work. You can also invest in front-opening frames for reuse year after year.
Learn more: A Modern Teacher
9. Display and build a memory book
Here’s a bright idea! Use fastener folders to display student work, adding to them throughout the year. On the last day of school, kids take home the whole collection as their memory book.
Learn more: Easy Teaching Tools
10. Set up a ClassDojo portfolio
Lots of teachers are already using ClassDojo for parent communication and rewards. So why not try their Portfolio option? It’s an easy way to share your kids’ accomplishments with their families anytime you like.
Learn more: ClassDojo
11. Dangle student work from the ceiling
Walls already full? Try this cool idea! This is an especially fun way to display 3-D projects and artwork.
Learn more: Kroger’s Kindergarten
12. Make a Ziploc quilt
Grab some colorful duct tape and a box of large zipper-top bags, then visit the link below to learn how to make this amazing student work display quilt.
Learn more: Undercover Classroom
13. Customize some binder clips
Taping student photos to over-sized binder clips is pure genius. Hang them from sticky hooks on the wall or pushpins on the bulletin board. It’s a snap to switch work in and out!
Learn more: Clutter-Free Classroom
14. Invest in a digital frame
Buy an inexpensive digital frame, then use it to display photos of stellar student work. Another option? Use a student work photo slideshow as the screensaver on your laptop so it shows on your projector screen when the computer is idle.
Learn more: Master Mind Crafter
15. Display student work in a window
This fun idea was originally intended as a quirky window hanging, but add clothespins or clips and you’ve got a really unique way to display student work. Get the DIY at the link.
Learn more: Dummies
16. Add a room divider
Here’s another terrific option for teachers who are out of wall space. A photo room divider is a bit of an investment, but it will last for years, and you can use it to create private space in your classroom too. Buy a room divider like the one shown here, or try a corkboard model instead.
17. Post “Coming Soon” signs in empty spaces
Hate the look of blank spaces on your student work display? Make up some “coming soon” signs to hang instead!
Learn more: Mrs. Maggio/Instagram
18. Link QR codes to online portfolios
These days, lots of student work is created and lives entirely online. That makes it hard to display in a more traditional classroom. Try putting together a collection of QR codes for each student, so anyone who’s interested can scan the codes and see the work in a flash.
Learn more: Teaching in Room 6
Love using clipboards to display student work? Here are a dozen genius ways to use them in the classroom.
Plus, Find Out Why Better Than Paper Is On Every Teacher’s Wish List.