49 Massively Cheesy Dinosaur Jokes for Kids

What did the dinosaur use to cut wood?

What's as big as a dinosaur but weighs nothing?

They say that laughter is the best medicine, so what better way to give kids a boost than with a little humor? Honestly, these delightfully cheesy dinosaur jokes for kids might elicit some groans, but you’re sure to hear a few chuckles too!

Our Favorite Dinosaur Jokes for Kids

1. What do you call someone who puts their right hand in the mouth of a T-Rex?

What do you call someone who puts their right hand in the mouth of a T-Rex?


2. What did the dinosaur use to cut wood?

What did the dinosaur use to cut wood?

A dino-saw.

3. What makes more noise than a dinosaur?

What makes more noise than a dinosaur?

Two dinosaurs.

4. What do you call a dinosaur that doesn’t take a bath?

What do you call a dinosaur that doesn’t take a bath?


5. What’s the best way to talk to a dinosaur?

What’s the best way to talk to a dinosaur?

Long distance.

6. What do you call a paleontologist who sleeps all the time?

What do you call a paleontologist who sleeps all the time?

Lazy bones.

7. Why did carnivorous dinosaurs eat raw meat?

Why did carnivorous dinosaurs eat raw meat?

Because they didn’t know how to barbecue!

8. What do you get when a dinosaur walks through the strawberry patch?

What do you get when a dinosaur walks through the strawberry patch?

Strawberry jam.

9. What kind of dinosaurs make good police officers?

What kind of dinosaurs make good police officers?


10. What’s as big as a dinosaur but weighs nothing?


What’s as big as a dinosaur but weighs nothing?

A dinosaur’s shadow.

11. What did the dinosaur call her shirt-making business?

What did the dinosaur call her shirt-making business?

Try Sarah’s Tops.

12. What did the caveman say as he slid down the dinosaur’s neck?

What did the caveman say as he slid down the dinosaur’s neck?

“So long!”

13. What comes after extinction?

What comes after extinction?


14. What comes after y-stinction?

What comes after y-stinction?


15. What is in the middle of dinosaurs?

What is in the middle of dinosaurs?

The letter S.

16. What did the T-Rex say at lunchtime?

What did the T-Rex say at lunchtime?

Let’s grab a bite!

17. Which dinosaur can jump higher than a house?

Which dinosaur can jump higher than a house?

Any dinosaur! A house can’t jump!

18. What should you do when a dinosaur sneezes?

What should you do when a dinosaur sneezes?

Get out of the way!

19. Why did the archaeopteryx catch the worm?

Why did the Archaeopteryx catch the worm?

Because it was an early bird!

20. How do you invite a dinosaur to a cafe?

How do you invite a dinosaur to a cafe?

Tea, Rex?

21. Where do dinosaurs spend their pocket money?

Where do dinosaurs spend their pocket money?

The dino-store.

22. What do you call a dinosaur that left its armor out in the rain?

What do you call a dinosaur that left its armor out in the rain?

A stegosau-rust.

23. Do you think anything could tricera-top these dinosaur puns?

Do you think anything could tricera-top these dinosaur puns?

I dino what to tell you, but probably not.

24. What do you call a baby dinosaur?

What do you call a baby dinosaur?

A Wee-rex!

25. What do you call a dinosaur that never gives up?

What do you call a dinosaur that never gives up?


26. What do you call a dinosaur who is a noisy sleeper?

What do you call a dinosaur who is a noisy sleeper?

A tyranno-snorus.

27. What does a dinosaur call a porcupine?

What does a dinosaur call a porcupine?

A toothbrush.

28. What did dinosaurs use to drive their cars?

What did dinosaurs use to drive their cars?

Fossil fuel.

29. Why didn’t the dinosaur cross the road?

Why didn’t the dinosaur cross the road?

Because there were no roads then!

30. What do you call a dinosaur with a rich vocabulary?

What do you call a dinosaur with a rich vocabulary?


31. What kind of explosions do dinosaurs like?

What kind of explosions do dinosaurs like?


32. What does a triceratops sit on?

What does a triceratops sit on?

Its tricera-bottom.

33. Why did the dinosaur wear a bandage?

Why did the dinosaur wear a bandage?

Because it had a dino-SORE.

34. Why did the dinosaur cross the road?

Why did the dinosaur cross the road?

Because chickens didn’t exist then.

35. Why should you never ask a dinosaur to read you a story?

Why should you never ask a dinosaur to read you a story?

Because their tales are so long.

36. What dinosaur would Harry Potter be?

What dinosaur would Harry Potter be?

The Dinosorcerer.

37. What do you call a dinosaur with no eyes?

What do you call a dinosaur with no eyes?


38. What do you call a sleeping dinosaur?

What do you call a sleeping dinosaur?

A dino-snore.

39. What came after the dinosaur?

What came after the dinosaur?

Its tail.

40. What do dinosaurs use on the floors of their kitchens?

What do dinosaurs use on the floors of their kitchens?


41. Why did the dinosaur cross the road?

Why did the dinosaur cross the road?

To eat the chickens on the other side.

42. What game does the brontosaurus like to play with humans?

What game does the brontosaurus like to play with humans?


43. What is the best thing to do if you see a tyrannosaurus rex?

What is the best thing to do if you see a tyrannosaurus rex?

Pray that it doesn’t see you.

44. Why was the stegosaurus such a good volleyball player?

Why was the stegosaurus such a good volleyball player?

Because he could really spike the ball.

45. How can you best raise a baby dinosaur?

How can you best raise a baby dinosaur?

With a crane.

46. How do you know if there is a dinosaur in your refrigerator?

How do you know if there is a dinosaur in your refrigerator?

The door won’t shut.

47. How many dinosaurs can you fit in an empty box?

How many dinosaurs can you fit in an empty box?

One. After that, the box isn’t empty.

48. What should you do if you find a blue Dilophosaurus?

What should you do if you find a blue Dilophosaurus?

Try to cheer him up!

49. What’s a dinosaur’s favorite quote?

What’s a dinosaur’s favorite quote?

“Jurassic times call for Jurassic measures!”

If you like these dinosaur jokes for kids, we’ve got jokes on many topics, including math jokes, history jokes, science jokes, grammar jokes, and music jokes.

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You already know that this collection of dinosaur jokes for kids is going to be cheesy, but they'll bring some laughs to your classroom too!