It’s no secret that loads of teachers everywhere rely on some good ol’ caffeine to keep them going. So, being that you landed on this page, what’s your choice of coffee beverage? Latte, cappuccino, Americano, or a classic cup of joe? I’m an iced coffee lover myself. Venti cold brew for life. 🫶 Whether you’re a teacher who swears by three cups a day or just an enjoyer of a good iced coffee every now and then, check out this list of relatable coffee memes.
1. #sad

Note to self: Keep a reusable straw in the car.
2. I like this version better anyway

*checks all pockets and tote bag*
3. Now this is my mantra

Two things I could not live without.
4. We all make mistakes, OK?

Right! Water … the coffee maker needs water.
5. You come for my coffee, I come for you.

I’d be hiding my coffee in a steel water bottle.
6. Bad coffee? Not for me.

Ain’t nobody got time for bad coffee.
7. It happens to the best of us

Hey class, let’s play hide-and-seek with my coffee!
8. THIS.

Get that extra cup, girl.
9. Teachers 🤝 Strong Coffee

A note to all my teacher friends!
10. So true

A double chocolate chip mocha with whip and extra chocolate drizzle that costs $12.
11. Hmmm

Take anything but the coffee.
12. Amen to this

Lots and lots of coffee helps.
13. It’s more than a habit

It’s a true gift to the word. What else can I say?
14. More coffee, stat

Cups on cups on cups.
15. But the iced coffee is calling

They won’t mind, right?
16. 100% this

I bet the most coffee is consumed on Mondays.
17. Pure Zen

And I’m awake!
18. ?!

Run out of coffee? That never should be allowed!
19. Warning.

It’s for the best for everyone.
20. ✋

*raises both hands*
21. Whoops …

I mean, it’s like a right of passage.
22. A mood changer

Thank you, coffee!
23. Hmmm

There’s always time.
24. Extra shot of espresso, please

Progress reports = all of the coffee
25. Me.

Need. coffee.
26. Also me.

27. Smell that coffee

And hopefully hear nobody.
28. It’s no laughing matter.

So serious about it.
29. A little motivation

You got this. 👏
30. Sorry not sorry

An Americano? I could never. JK.
31. It keeps me going

Honestly, it’s part of my support system at this point.

Simply no “x.”
33. What did you get?

Mine is Espresso Tiger!
34. Lots and lots of water

It counts as hydration, right?
35. First things first

Always coffee before activity.
36. The MOST important

But also, eat your real meals.
37. Not yet …

I can’t handle this before my coffee.
38. Need more coffee

Too little coffee, too much time.
39. A funny joke

Simply crazy thoughts.
40. Reminder!

It’s a good one, too.
41. UGH

I wish it would just appear.
42. Answer says: Yes.

Hint: Don’t take the risk.
43. Give me an hour.

It’s better for both of us, trust me.
44. Shhh.

No coffee, no talkie.
45. Give me all the coffee

That’ll do it!

Coffee every time.
47. It’s like magic

It creates a whole new person.
48. Can’t go without it

Every single morning!
49. Not a happy puppy.

Get this cutie a latte, stat.
50. Always.

It’s a never-ending bond!
51. Me, every single time

I’ll never say no to coffee.
52. Patiently waiting …

*what feels like one hour later*
53. Tuesdays = more coffee

It’s just a rough day, IYKYK.
54. Loading

Please hold …
55. Definitely not recommended

It would not be a pretty picture.
56. Only one cup?!

Well, if it looks like that, I’ll be good.
57. Usually ends up this way

I guess it’s best to just plan for iced coffee from the beginning.
58. Running on E

The one eye open is too accurate.
59. The best coworker award goes to:

My coffee!
60. 🤣

Yes, this is how strong I would like my coffee to be.
61. True story

It can’t be a good morning for me without coffee!
62. Now that’s a deep thought

*staring into the abyss*
63. Basically the same thing.

I’ll let you guess how many “Malia” pronunciations I’ve gotten.
64. To the rescue!

It deserves a cape, honestly.
65. Hear me out

Logical to me, too. 🤣
66. Give me the strength

Mid-morning coffee is up next!
67. It’s just to be safe

Four, five, six … who’s counting?
68. In case you needed convincing

The benefits are countless!
69. Accurate

Give me a coffee and approximately 10 minutes.
70. Just leave it, thanks

Diner coffee is so elite … who’s with me?
71. Oh no

Good luck with that one!
72. Super positive about this one

I’m always positive about coffee!
73. All I want for Christmas is …

🎶 Cofffeeeee 🎶
74. It’s always there for you

It can still count at morning if it’s my first cup, right?
75. Coffee can convince me of a lot

But does the list actually get done?
76. Caffeine and weirdness

This might be my new motto.
77. YAY

Let the day begin!
78. Truth

But coffee makes it a bit better.
79. Hello weekend coffee!

It’s lovely to see you.
80. 😂

You got that right, Garfield.
Loving these coffee memes? For more laughs, check out these funny school memes.