80 Coffee Memes for Caffeine-Loving Teachers

On my third cup of the day, hbu? ☕️

student vs. teacher coffee meme feature
We Are Teachers

It’s no secret that loads of teachers everywhere rely on some good ol’ caffeine to keep them going. So, being that you landed on this page, what’s your choice of coffee beverage? Latte, cappuccino, Americano, or a classic cup of joe? I’m an iced coffee lover myself. Venti cold brew for life. 🫶 Whether you’re a teacher who swears by three cups a day or just an enjoyer of a good iced coffee every now and then, check out this list of relatable coffee memes.

1. #sad

hole in iced coffee meme
We Are Teachers

Note to self: Keep a reusable straw in the car.

2. I like this version better anyway

lanyard, coffee, keys, and phone teacher coffee meme
We Are Teachers

*checks all pockets and tote bag*

3. Now this is my mantra

run on dry shampoo and coffee meme
We Are Teachers

Two things I could not live without.

4. We all make mistakes, OK?

broken coffee machine meme
We Are Teachers

Right! Water … the coffee maker needs water.

5. You come for my coffee, I come for you.

emotional support iced coffee meme
We Are Teachers

I’d be hiding my coffee in a steel water bottle.

6. Bad coffee? Not for me.

just say no to meme
We Are Teachers

Ain’t nobody got time for bad coffee.

7. It happens to the best of us

teaching losing coffee meme
We Are Teachers

Hey class, let’s play hide-and-seek with my coffee!

8. THIS.

Don't feel guilty about teacher meme
We Are Teachers

Get that extra cup, girl.

9. Teachers 🤝 Strong Coffee

coffee be strong and students be calm coffee meme
We Are Teachers

A note to all my teacher friends!

10. So true

student vs. teacher coffee meme
We Are Teachers

A double chocolate chip mocha with whip and extra chocolate drizzle that costs $12.

11. Hmmm

you have to teach without one of these this week meme
We Are Teachers

Take anything but the coffee.

12. Amen to this

life happens, coffee helps coffee meme
@suannygdesigns/coffee helps meme via Instagram

Lots and lots of coffee helps.

13. It’s more than a habit

coffee habit meme
@sweatpantsandcoffee/coffee habit meme via Instagram

It’s a true gift to the word. What else can I say?

14. More coffee, stat

halfway through the week caffeine coffee meme
@mallowsocials/coffee meme via Instagram

Cups on cups on cups.

15. But the iced coffee is calling

iced coffee before work meme
@27clubcoffee/iced coffee meme via Instagram

They won’t mind, right?

16. 100% this

too much Monday, not enough coffee meme
Boy “N” Bean/coffee meme via boynbean.wordpress.com

I bet the most coffee is consumed on Mondays.

17. Pure Zen

first cup of coffee meme
My No Guilt Life/first cup of coffee meme via noguiltlife.com

And I’m awake!

18. ?!

no more coffee meme
Spanish plans/teacher coffee memes via spanishplans.org

Run out of coffee? That never should be allowed!

19. Warning.

can't function before coffee meme
@coffeefixation/before coffee meme via Instagram

It’s for the best for everyone.

20. ✋

raise your hand if you are a coffee all day person coffee meme
@tasteofhome/coffee all day meme via Instagram

*raises both hands*

21. Whoops …

buying iced coffee is my toxic trait meme
@javasok/iced coffee buying meme via Instagram

I mean, it’s like a right of passage.

22. A mood changer

Coffee noun meme
@sweatybetty/coffee noun meme via Instagram

Thank you, coffee!

23. Hmmm

Do I have time to get iced coffee meme
@origamiowl/iced coffee meme via Instagram

There’s always time.

24. Extra shot of espresso, please

progress report coffee meme
@beardedbehaviorist/progress report coffee via Instagram

Progress reports = all of the coffee

25. Me.

Little miss can't function without coffee meme
@industrybeans/little miss coffee meme via Instagram

Need. coffee.

26. Also me.

Little Miss iced coffee meme
@mrcoffee/little miss iced coffee meme via Instagram


27. Smell that coffee

smell of coffee in the morning meme
@carreracafe/smell of coffee meme via Instagram

And hopefully hear nobody.

28. It’s no laughing matter.

take coffee seriously meme
@bulletproof/serious coffee meme via Instagram

So serious about it.

29. A little motivation

grab coffee and make moves meme
@altardstate/grab coffee meme via Instagram

You got this. 👏

30. Sorry not sorry

judge people by coffee order meme
@coffeefanatics/coffee order meme via Instagram

An Americano? I could never. JK.

31. It keeps me going

coffee Squid Games meme
@comoncy/Squid Games coffee meme via Instagram

Honestly, it’s part of my support system at this point.


espresso coffee meme
@thesarcasticbarista/espresso meme via Instagram

Simply no “x.”

33. What did you get?

coffee name generator meme
@vinadripcoffee/coffee name meme via Instagram

Mine is Espresso Tiger!

34. Lots and lots of water

drinking filtered water coffee meme
@brunchaffairs/coffee meme via Instagram

It counts as hydration, right?

35. First things first

first I drink the coffee meme
Voltage Coffe/coffee meme via voltagecoffee.com

Always coffee before activity.

36. The MOST important

coffee most important meal of the day meme
Funny Coffee Memes via Facebook

But also, eat your real meals.

37. Not yet …

first sip of morning coffee meme
Chicago Teacher Memes via Facebook

I can’t handle this before my coffee.

38. Need more coffee

when the coffee is gone meme
Homeschool Spanish Academy/coffee meme via spanish.academy/blog/

Too little coffee, too much time.

39. A funny joke

I won't drink coffee meme
Bones Coffee Company via Facebook

Simply crazy thoughts.

40. Reminder!

Kermit coffee meme
Funny Coffee Meme/Kermit via Facebook

It’s a good one, too.

41. UGH

have to make the coffee meme
Sweatpants & Coffee/coffee meme via sweatpantsandcoffee.com

I wish it would just appear.

42. Answer says: Yes.

do you really need coffee meme
One Happy Coffee/coffee meme via onehappycoffee.com

Hint: Don’t take the risk.

43. Give me an hour.

call you after coffee meme
iam.bettercoffeer via Pinterest

It’s better for both of us, trust me.

44. Shhh.

no talking cat coffee meme
Funny Coffee Memes/cat coffee via Facebook

No coffee, no talkie.

45. Give me all the coffee

big cup of coffee meme
Cheezburger/coffee meme via cheezburger.com

That’ll do it!


tea or coffee meme
Reader’s Digest/tea or coffee meme via rd.com

Coffee every time.

47. It’s like magic

coffee and princesses meme
The Coffee Folk/coffee princess meme via thecoffeefolk.com

It creates a whole new person.

48. Can’t go without it

early bird Yoda coffee meme
Digital Mom Blog/Yoda coffee meme via digitalmomblog.com

Every single morning!

49. Not a happy puppy.

dog meme morning before coffee
Munofore/animal coffee meme via munofore.com

Get this cutie a latte, stat.

50. Always.

I'll be there for you coffee meme
Peakpx/coffee meme via peakpx.com

It’s a never-ending bond!

51. Me, every single time

who wants coffee dog meme
Majestic Meme/dog coffee meme via majesticmemes.com

I’ll never say no to coffee.

52. Patiently waiting …

coffee too hot Spongebob meme
Craft Coffee Guru/SpongeBob coffee meme via craftcoffeeguru.com

*what feels like one hour later*

53. Tuesdays = more coffee

extra cup of coffee Tuesday meme
Just for Fun/Tuesday coffee meme via gifu.me

It’s just a rough day, IYKYK.

54. Loading

brain loading coffee meme
Sweatpants and Coffee/brain coffee meme via sweatpantsandcoffee.com

Please hold …

55. Definitely not recommended

minions life without coffee meme
Your Tango/Minion coffee meme via yourtango.com

It would not be a pretty picture.

56. Only one cup?!

only one cup coffee meme
Boy ‘n’ bean/one cup coffee via boynbean.wordpress.com

Well, if it looks like that, I’ll be good.

57. Usually ends up this way

recipe for iced coffee meme
Scary Mommy and Toni Hammer via Facebook

I guess it’s best to just plan for iced coffee from the beginning.

58. Running on E

good morning coffee and owl meme
Reddit/owl coffee meme via reddit.com

The one eye open is too accurate.

59. The best coworker award goes to:

coffee is my favorite coworker me,e
Digital Mom Blog/coffee coworker meme via digitalmomblog.com

My coffee!

60. 🤣

strong coffee meme lifting weights
Work and Money/strong coffee meme via workandmoney.com

Yes, this is how strong I would like my coffee to be.

61. True story

say good morning after coffee
Fresh Morning Quotes/good morning coffee meme via Pinterest

It can’t be a good morning for me without coffee!

62. Now that’s a deep thought

nothing matters without coffee meme
Primula Products/without coffee meme via primulaproducts.com

*staring into the abyss*

63. Basically the same thing.

making coffee at home and yell name
Police Coffee/at-home coffee meme via policecoffee.com

I’ll let you guess how many “Malia” pronunciations I’ve gotten.

64. To the rescue!

a job for coffee meme
WriteNowNa/job for coffee meme via writenowna.com

It deserves a cape, honestly.

65. Hear me out

dinosaur coffee meme
Coffee Geek/dinosaur coffee meme via coffeegeek.tv

Logical to me, too. 🤣

66. Give me the strength

mid-morning coffee meme
Reader’s Digest/mid-morning coffee meme via rd.com

Mid-morning coffee is up next!

67. It’s just to be safe

only one cup of coffee, I will take four meme
Fairygodboss/coffee meme via Pinterest

Four, five, six … who’s counting?

68. In case you needed convincing

benefits of coffee meme
Quotes Bae/coffee benefits via quotesbae.com

The benefits are countless!

69. Accurate

my friend and I before coffee meme
Big Cup of Coffee/friend coffee meme via bigcupofcoffee.com

Give me a coffee and approximately 10 minutes.

70. Just leave it, thanks

leave the whole pot coffee meme
The Random Vibez/whole pot coffee meme via therandomvibez.com

Diner coffee is so elite … who’s with me?

71. Oh no

when the fun uncles gives the kids coffee meme
Let’s Eat Cake/fun uncle coffee meme via letseatcake.com

Good luck with that one!

72. Super positive about this one

positive I need more coffee meme
She Ideas/cat coffee meme via sheideas.com

I’m always positive about coffee!

73. All I want for Christmas is …

All I want for Christmas is coffee
Bones Coffee/Christmas coffee meme via Facebook

🎶 Cofffeeeee 🎶

74. It’s always there for you

Coffee, thanks for being there when I wake up at noon
Fluent in Coffee/noon coffee meme via fluentincoffee.com

It can still count at morning if it’s my first cup, right?

75. Coffee can convince me of a lot

lie to me about how much we will get done coffee meme
Winkgo/coffee meme via winkgo.com

But does the list actually get done?

76. Caffeine and weirdness

plan is caffeine and weirdness coffee meme
Pleated Jeans/caffeine and weirdness meme via pleated-jeans.com

This might be my new motto.

77. YAY

coffee is done meme
Fresh Morning Quotes/coffee is done via freshmorningquotes.com

Let the day begin!

78. Truth

coffee because adulting is hard
Bean Poet/coffee adulting meme via beanpoet.com

But coffee makes it a bit better.

79. Hello weekend coffee!

Hello Saturday coffee
Drink Scouts/Saturday coffee meme via drinkscouts.com

It’s lovely to see you.

80. 😂

show me the coffee Garfield meme
Coffee Levels/Garfield coffee meme via coffeelevels.com

You got that right, Garfield.

Loving these coffee memes? For more laughs, check out these funny school memes.

Coffee keeps us going! For all you fellow caffeine-lovers, scroll this list of coffee memes for some relatable humor.