Is there anything more important in a young student’s life than learning their ABCs? This fundamental skill opens up the world of reading and writing, which can take kids just about anywhere! These alphabet videos help teach and reinforce the letters and their sounds in fun and engaging ways. Kids will beg to watch them again and again!
1. Take a trip to Sesame Street
When it comes to alphabet videos, no one does it better than Sesame Street. This compilation of songs includes famous musical guest stars like Usher and India.Arie, plus familiar characters like Elmo and Kermit the Frog.
2. Rap the alphabet
It’s the ABC song, but with a hip-hop twist. This video also covers the sounds each letter makes, making the alphabet more meaningful.
3. Watch the Alphablocks
This video episode of the popular show opens with the Alphablocks trying to sing the familiar ABC song—but some letters want more than their fair share! You can watch just this part alone, or play the entire video to see the Alphablocks on their various adventures.
4. Workout to the letter sounds
Popular kids’ entertainer Jack Hartmann gets little ones up and moving as they work out and learn their letters at the same time. This one is perfect for a movement break!
5. Canta la alphabeto en Español
Why limit yourself to English? Gina Rodriguez and Elmo are here to help you learn to sing the ABCs in Spanish too!
6. Learn the yoga alphabet
Learn the alphabet and basic yoga poses, all at the same time! Watch the video through once, then go back and play it slowly letter-by-letter, doing the yoga poses along the way. This is such a fun way to do the ABCs!
7. Transform the letters of the alphabet
Kids who love to play with cars and trucks will get a kick out of this alphabet video. Each letter drives onto the screen in pieces, then transforms itself into position.
8. Do the alphabet dance
We love alphabet videos that get kids up and moving! In this one, little learners make the shapes of the letters with their bodies as they dance along to the upbeat music.
9. Meet the dinosaur alphabet
Dino-obsessed kids will love this video! It features a dinosaur for every letter of the alphabet, plus fun facts about each species.
10. Sing a new alphabet song
Ready for a new alphabet tune? This video features a competitor on “Alphabet Idol” crooning the ABCs to a new melody and rhythm.
11. Listen to Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Whether they’re new to the book or already know it by heart, kids will enjoy this syncopated performance accompanied by colorful visuals. For another fun version, watch Ray Charles reading this beloved favorite!
12. Come to the alphabet party
What happens when you invite all the letters to a party at your house? Find out in this sweet song! (B is blowing bubbles and K is fascinated with her kite, for starters.)
13. Visit the Alphabet Lost and Found
Oh no! So many words have lost their letters! What will they do? Visit the Alphabet Lost and Found, of course! (Love They Might Be Giants? Watch the whole Here Comes The ABCs album here.)
14. Join the StoryBots to learn the alphabet
The StoryBots take you through the alphabet from A to Z in this longer musical video, giving examples along the way. Kids will have fun pretending to be robots as they sing along.
15. Dine on alphabet veggies
Learn the ABCs and a whole lot of healthy vegetables too! From arugula to zucchini, they’re all here, and they’re all nutritious.
16. Dance to the Boogie Woogie Piggies Alphabet
Sesame Street has done so many alphabet videos over the years, but this barnyard classic remains a favorite. Sing and dance (and oink) along with the Boogie Woogie Piggies as they perform the ABCs. (For more throwback fun, check out the time Big Bird thought the alphabet was one long word!)
17. Try the alphabet backwards
Look at the alphabet in a whole new way when you try to sing it backwards. Learning their “CBAs” is new for most kids, and it’s a terrific way to get them to think outside the box.
18. See it, say it, sign it
We love the idea of teaching all kids the sign language alphabet. Even if they never learn another sign, they’ll have the basic skills to communicate with those who are deaf/hard of hearing .
Enjoying these alphabet videos? Keep the learning going with 26 Fun Easy Ways For Kids to Practice Their ABCs.
Plus, 26 Awesome Ways To Use Alphabet Beads For Learning.