1. Is this advice for the student or the teacher?
Source: WeAreTeachers Facebook
2. To be blunt, this student has a point.
Source: WeAreTeachers Facebook
3. Does bribery actually work?
Source: WeAreTeachers Facebook
4. Whoa. Pressure is on, third graders!
Source: WeAreTeachers Facebook
5. The question does say “briefly” explain …
Source: alittle-offcenter.blogspot.com
6. Warren isn’t placing any bets on the advancements of modern medicine in his lifetime.
Source: techeblog.com
7. At least they’re reading good books, right?
Source: cheezburger.com
8. Clearly this teacher isn’t familiar with Celine Dion and “The Power of Love.”
Source: clivewhite.co.uk.jpg
9. Technically correct.
Source: funny-memes.org
10. Another “creative” yet slightly cheeky comment.
Source: evilchili.com
11. A+ for creativity?
Source: funnyexam.com
12. We’re not sure what to make of this one.
Source: funnyexam.com
13. We see a future conservationist here!
Source: funnyexam.com
14. Oh, young grasshopper. So much to learn.
Source: funnyexam.com
15. Maybe this student can be a writer when he/she grows up and improve ELA passages for everyone.
Source: funnyexam.com
16. If you ask a simple question, you’ll get a simple answer.
Source: funnyexam.com
17. It’s probably best to avoid the “Are ghosts real?” debate.
Source: funnyexam.com
18. This student sees the world from a different point of view.
Source: funnyexam.com
19. Perhaps Judy needs a lesson in manners.
Source: funnyexam.com
20. All hail to Queen Bey.
Source: happyplace.com
21. Tough love can be a good lesson.
Source: justsomething.co
22. We don’t think this child lacks confidence.
Source: KnowYourMeme.com
23. Now this might be a lesson for another time…
Source: meh.ro
24. Nice try, but no science teacher would ever give this partial credit.
Source: mrrozzyroo.com
25. If only math could be this simple…
Source: publimetro.co
26. Let’s take a moment and be impressed by this child’s vocabulary!
Source: thehilariousblog.tumblr.com
27. OK wise guy … or girl. We don’t think so.
Source: tworiversblog.com
28. No judgment. We all have issues.
Source: WeAreTeachers Facebook
29. Well, the question was pretty open-ended.
Source: WeAreTeachers Facebook