One of you assigns the homework, the other completes it. But that doesn’t mean you don’t both enjoy recess and pizza Fridays.
- You like assemblies.
- You’re excited when lunch comes with a cookie.
- You struggle with homework sometimes.
- You have trouble remembering the new kid’s name.
- You love it when someone brings in birthday treats.
- You wear a new outfit on the first day of school.
- When you bring home the class pet, you hope you don’t accidentally kill it.
- You like bus rides better when the driver plays music.
- You like to sit with your friends at lunch.
- You want to win the Halloween costume contest.
- Neither of you are allowed to text in class.
- You hope you look good in the class picture.
- You call each other by your last names.
- You’re a little intimidated by the principal.
- You hope other students give you a cool nickname.
- When you’re new, the first thing you want to see is your classroom.
- Sometimes you stay after school for clubs and sports.
- In yearbook photos, you’ll both look back and wonder, What was I wearing?!
- You get nervous about standardized tests.
- Sometimes you run in the halls, rebel.
- You bring a sack lunch on field trips.
Nicole Leigh Shaw is a humorist, mom and creator of typos. Follow her on her blog, She also writes for NickMom and