10 Writing Center Ideas We Love

Creative writing choices to spark their imaginations.

writing center ideas

Make writing time the best time of day with these 10 great writing center ideas we found across the blogosphere! 

1. Use dice to create original stories. 

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SOURCE: WhereTheWIldThingsLearn

Determine the story’s setting, main character, and plot with a roll of the dice. Click on the image for a free downloadable or create your own using the same format. 

2. Fill story bags with everyday items in odd combinations to spark their creativity.

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SOURCE: Creative Teaching Ideas by Kayla

A pink eraser, a bouncy ball, and a map of Germany … what’s the story? Help your students stretch their imagination with these story bags.

3. Create stencils with key words to get your writers started. 

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SOURCE: Mrs. Winter’s Bliss

These delightful picture prompts give your students an image to start with and words that a writer would use to create a story about that picture. Download the spring bundle from Mrs. WInter’s Bliss here.  

4. Build a deck of story cards. 

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SOURCE: Teacher Gems

Pick a card, any card! You can buy a prepared set of story cards, like the one above, or create your own with colored card stock (one color for each category—setting, character, and event) and a Sharpie. 

5. Play twister with a memory.

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SOURCE: The Thinker Builder


Students begin with a real memory but then choose a point in their story to “twist” the events into a fictional story. This freebie includes all the printables, instructions, and ideas you’ll need to keep it fresh. 

6. Brainstorm with emojis.

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SOURCE:  The Teachy Teacher

“Roll” with the trends and use emojis to spark your young writers’ process. Kids will love figuring out the stories behind these familiar pictures. 

7. Use these free templates to create graphic stories.

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SOURCE: The Maven

For some reason, writing doesn’t feel like as much work when it is in comic book form. This freebie, with its adorable thought bubbles, is a fun way for your students to tell tales in a super creative way. 

8. Create this cool bio poem. 

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SOURCE: Proud to Be Primary 

Students will brainstorm words that describe who they are, what they like, and what is important to them. They’ll use those words to create a bio poem, using this cute foldable to create their final presentation. 

9. Set up a classroom post office.

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SOURCE: Busy Teacher

Get your students jazzed about writing by setting up a post office in the classroom. Include cool stationery, pre-lined postcards, and card stock foldables for your students to compose letters to one another. 

10. Provide an ample supply of fresh writing prompts.

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SOURCE: Can Teach

Writing prompts are the tried and true standby for inspiring writers. Make sure your collection includes lots intriguing questions and curious scenarios. Put ideas on slips of paper and store them in a large jar. Kids will feel like they’re picking a treat from the treasure chest. 

What are your favorite writing center ideas? Come and share in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, 7 Fun Ideas for Writing and Publishing Student Poetry.