What These 34 Emojis Really Mean to Teachers

Your trusty guide to #teacherlife. 💁‍♀️

What These 34 Emojis Really Mean to Teachers
Set of cartoon vector emoticons isolated on white background.

Emojis represent a wide, complex range of emotions, much like the range of emotions found on your teaching journey. One minute you get a visit from a dyslexic former student telling you he just got his Ivy League acceptance letter, the next you sit through a meeting that leaves you wanting to stab plastic sporks into your eyeballs.

Luckily for us, we have emojis to help us identify, process and express our emotional situations no matter where we find ourselves on the great roller coaster of teaching. Here are just a few.



smile Oh, sweet letter/drawing/fingerpainting from student! TEACHING FOREVER!
3 angel Responded to the Action Required email immediately instead of procrastinating!
4 kiss Microsoft Word Document Recovery, I love you.
5 tonguewink The first year of teaching.
6 tongue Burned tongue on microwaved lunch again.
8 oops Farted in an empty classroom just before coworker entered
9 teethgrit Struggling kid just made huge breakthrough! #allthejoy
10 sigh Paperwork.
11 ontask Ahhh, diligent, cooperative, on-task children!
12 waiting “I’ll wait…”
13 ohno Eleven out of 35 students turned in homework. Eleven.
14 really Looked at credit card statement during back-to-school.
16 lol Fell out of rolling chair in front of class. Again.
17 cry School choir sings touching song at concert. Total goner.
18 nosweat School AC goes out in June. Too crazy to be mad.
19 worried Active monitoring during standardized testing=water boarding.
20 notagain Someone informs you halfway through your Thursday that it’s actually Wednesday.
21 whatohno Forgot hat for outside duty in January.
22 mad Vending machine ate Diet Coke money.
23 angry Thinking about problematic education policies for too long.
24 sick Flu season.
25 cool Returned to a perfect report from the substitute.
26 sleeping Weeknights at 7:40 during DEVOLSON.
27 what Former student comes back to visit and is 3 feet taller.
28 oohh ROACH. IN. KEURIG.
29 scarygrit Scary email! Help. Mommy.
30 yeahhh One too many education buzzwords used indiscriminately/incorrectly during a meeting.
31 speachless A non-teacher says to you, “Summers off? You have it so easy!”
32 smirk Student ends up loving unit she originally told you she hated.
33 sly “What grade can I make on this and still pass?”
34 dancer FRIDAY!!!!


Thoughts, teachers? What do emojis really mean to you? Come and share in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, we decode the lies the teacher emoji tells the world.

What These 34 Emojis Really Mean to Teachers