We Gave Teachers $100 to Buy New Work Clothes. Here’s What They Bought.

Looking great, you all!

We know what a challenge it can be to choose a great teacher outfit. If you teach younger grades, there’s the glitter factor. Not to mention sitting on a carpet at storytime, but still wanting to look professional for parent-teacher conferences. And if you teach older kids, you want an outfit that is contemporary and polished yet doesn’t invite too much commentary from the peanut gallery.

Plus, there’s the reality of living on a teacher budget. That’s why our new #teacherootd blog series will explore awesome teacher outfits that you can pull together for $100 or less. Today’s crew found their looks from Target, but stay tuned for posts from more of your favorite retailers…and even the thrift store.

Psst… want to be featured in this series? Just email us at submissions@weareteachers.com and we’ll be in touch!

Stacy Nisman
High school teacher in Toms River, New Jersey

Dress: $27.99
Tights: $8
Necklace: $9.99
Bracelet: $12.99
Boots: $39.99
Total: $98.96

Caitlin Mitchell
Middle school teacher in Manhattan Beach, California

Top: $29.99
Pants: $27.99
Shoes: $16.99
Bracelets: $9.99
Clutch: $14.99
Total: $99.95

Michael Barrientes
High school teacher in Cedar Creek, Texas

Shirt: $29.99
Pants: $19.99
Tie: $19.99
Belt: $19.99
Total: $89.96

Nadia Reese
Elementary school teacher in Atlanta, Georgia

Dress: $27.99
Tights: $10
Boots: $32.50
Scarf: Already in the closet
Total: $70.49