Meet the Teen Who Wants to Shake Up the Denver School Board

First stop, the Denver Board of Education. Next stop, the White House?

Tay Anderson Teen Denver School Board

His name is Tay AndersonĀ and at 18, heā€™s the youngest person to ever run for theĀ Denver School Board.

The school board election isnā€™t Tayā€™s first foray into politics, and he hopes it wonā€™t be his last. Tayā€™s peers at Manual High in Denver have elected him student body president three years in a row. One day, he hopes to run for governor of Colorado.

Charismatic, smart, and energetic, it may seem like politics comes easily to Tay. But he isnā€™t without challenges. Tayā€™s relationship with his mother is difficult, and earlier this year she asked him to move out of their house. He was briefly homeless before a friend came to the rescue. Itā€™s times like these when Tayā€™s mantra, courtesy of Michelle Obama, comes in handy. ā€œWhen they go low, we go high.ā€ Tay plans to invite his mother to his swearing in if he wins.

However the upcoming election turns out, Tay represents the new face of local school politics. Heā€™s a harbinger of the millennial generationā€™s take on political campaigningā€”better use of social media, more forceful defense of public education, and the power of positivity over attack politics. If you look like a leader, sound like a leader, plan like a leader, and act like a leader, you can lead, no matter how young you are.

I interviewed Tay on two separate occasions. Here are highlights of those conversations.

What inspired you to run for Denver Public Schools Board of Education?


Last year, it was announced that a middle school was being added to our high school. The decision was more about politics and policy than it was about students. As student body president, I advocated for my students. I said, ā€œWe donā€™t agree with a middle school being added.ā€ When I talked to the board they basically told me theyā€™d made their decision and didnā€™t need my voice. And that was without any community, student, or even administrative consent. As soon as that happened, that lit a fire in me to run for the Board of Education.

You like to talk about ā€œstudents stepping into their greatness.ā€ What are the forces preventing or opposing students taking action?

We have school choice but weā€™re not providing great public education in every part of the city. Weā€™re instituting private institutions and saying ā€œHey, you can choose this option,ā€ but students of color are not being picked by a large margin because they are not testing as well as their student counterparts who are not of color. Public schools canā€™t step into their greatness if theyā€™re not being funded or getting the same supplies that charter schools get. Iā€™m not against charter schools, but you canā€™t just ask taxpayers for more money, not tell us where itā€™s going, and never become a real public institution here in Denver.

If youā€™re elected to the school board, whatā€™s the first thing youā€™ll do?

The board recently closed a public elementary school. A lot of parents relied on that school. It was failing. My own high school was failing in the past, but because of good leadership, we turned that around and raised our scores. If Iā€™m elected, my first action is going to be to call for the board to reverse that decision and reopen that elementary school. And I want to always put students and teachers first. I will be attending Metro State University in Denver. Being a board director and a college student will be my only priorities.

What has been your familyā€™s and friendsā€™ reaction to your decision to run?

I have family spread out across the country and theyā€™ve given me their support. My grandmother was an educator for 30 years in the Kansas City School District. She always wanted me to achieve my dreams and my dream has always been to be a leader. I just got word that sheā€™s on bed rest for the remainder of her time here on Earth. My aunt called and said, ā€œWeā€™ve seen the news about you and weā€™re proud.ā€ I know that sheā€™s seeing the man Iā€™m becoming, even though weā€™re states apart.

On social media, you use the first-person plural a lot. You say ā€œweā€ and talk about your ā€œteam.ā€ Why?

If I was running for president, I would use the same model Iā€™m using right now. What Iā€™m doing is shaking up what a local politician is. Iā€™m really trying to set the bar for everybody else in the future including our state legislators, our state senators, and everybody in our state who is elected. Iā€™m showing them that if a young person of 18 can rally a community to make positive change, anybody can do it. They must utilize their voices and keep people informed.

You have promised to hold town-hall meetings to invite the input and opinions of people aged 5 to 100. What if your constituents want something you disagree with?

I represent the people. So one thing I can say is that when I disagree with something, Iā€™m going to take a self-evaluation. Iā€™m going to re-read whatever Iā€™m supposed to be voting on. Iā€™m not going to be a typical politician. Iā€™m going to empower the voters and ask them to come to public meetings. Iā€™m going to ask them, ā€œWhat do you want to see?ā€ and bring it to the community. This may be the way I would like to vote, but I want to hear you tell me what you want to see different.

Your candidacy is making headlines. With this newfound fame, have you heard encouraging or discouraging feedback?

People from all over the country and the world are rallying behind me. Iā€™ve seen people across this nation, from California to New York, come together and continue to give me those words of encouragement. People donā€™t know how far their words go. They inspire me to keep going to the start line. Itā€™s not the finish line. If I get elected, itā€™s the starting line.

Learn more about teen Tay Andersonā€™s campaign for Denver School Board or get involved here.

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