The periodic table lays the foundation for a student’s understanding of chemistry and physical science. Use the worksheets in this printable periodic table bundle to guide students through an introduction to this essential tool, from coloring the different element families to identifying elements based on their position in the periodic table. In the end, students will gain a deeper understanding of the organization of the periodic table and how it demonstrates the properties of each element.
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Periodic Table of the Elements (Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids Labeled)
Students can use this version of the periodic table as they are learning to identify metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. This page provides the group and period numbers, as well as a key for how to read the information for each element of the periodic table.
We Are Teachers
Element Families Coloring Page
Use this coloring page to help students identify the family that each element belongs to (alkali metals, transition metals, noble gases, etc.). This is a great introductory activity to demonstrate the way in which elements are grouped by families in the periodic table.
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Periodic Table of the Elements: Atomic Symbols
Use this resource with students who are working to learn the atomic symbols for each element. When the names of the elements are removed, it encourages students to identify elements using only their symbols.
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Element Families Graphic Organizer
Use this graphic organizer with students to help them investigate the unique properties and uses of elements in each of the element families. Students will use their textbooks or online sources of their choice to research the properties of each element family, as well as an example of an element from that family with its real-life use.
We Are Teachers
Identifying Elements Worksheet and Answer Key
This activity is a great way for students to practice reading the periodic table and identifying element families. Students will use the group and period numbers like coordinates to locate the element as well as the family that it belongs to. There is a second page with an answer key that corresponds to the worksheet.
We Are Teachers
Periodic Table Project Instructions
Use this project at the end of your unit on the periodic table to assess student knowledge. In this activity, students create a poster for an element of their choice (or provided by you). This page includes a list of the relevant information that they will have to research about their element. Some points include:
The group, period, and block of the element
History of the element’s discovery
Properties and real-life uses of the element
If you teach several classes, feel free to assign a distinct element to each student without repetition. After completing the posters, display them on a wall or bulletin board in the form of the periodic table. With this option, I recommended that you provide a standard poster size for all students.
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Ready to teach about the periodic table? Grab our printable periodic table worksheet bundle by clicking the button below.