Free Martin Luther King Jr. Worksheets

Teach his inspiring legacy.

Collage of four printable Martin Luther King Jr. worksheets
We Are Teachers

It’s crucial for students to grasp the importance of equality and justice in the civil rights movement. Martin Luther King Jr.’s inspiring legacy encourages students to be aware of social issues and strive for positive change in society. Our free Martin Luther King Jr. worksheets include four printable pages of student handouts and activities to help you teach this topic. You can also pair these worksheets with our free Martin Luther King Jr. Google Slides.

What’s included in the Martin Luther King Jr. Worksheets?

Gif showing a selection of Martin Luther King Jr. Worksheets
We Are Teachers

Our Martin Luther King Jr. worksheet bundle includes four printable pages of student reading materials and activities that make teaching this topic easy and fun.

Martin Luther King Jr. Student Handout

Printable student handout about Martin Luther King Jr. Day on blue background
We Are Teachers

Students start by reading the Martin Luther King Jr. handout, which includes kid-friendly biographical information and facts about Dr. King’s life, leadership, and advocacy for racial equality and social justice in the United States.

Martin Luther King Jr. Reading Comprehension Questions

Martin Luther King Jr. reading comprehension questions printable on blue background.
We Are Teachers

Once your students read the handout, it’s time to pass out the reading comprehension worksheet to assess their knowledge of Dr. King.

Martin Luther King Jr. Writing Activity

Martin Luther King Jr. writing activity printable on blue background.
We Are Teachers

This activity asks students to write a paragraph describing their own dream for a better world. There’s a box at the top for brainstorming ideas before getting started.

Martin Luther King Jr. Character Traits Graphic Organizer

Martin Luther King Jr. character traits graphic organizer printable on blue background.
We Are Teachers

In this graphic organizer, students fill in the bubbles with character traits that describe Martin Luther King Jr. It also encourages them to use evidence from the text to support their answers.

Get Your Free Worksheet Bundle

Are you ready to save and print your free Martin Luther King Jr. worksheets? All you need to do is click the button to fill out the form at the top of this page.

Plus, be sure to check out our Martin Luther King Jr. resource page. It includes free Google Slides to use in the classroom, videos, activities, and more.