15 Honest Holiday Cards for Teachers

Because this year the standard Hallmark greeting just isn’t cutting it.

Paired image of.2 honest holiday cards

Nobody loves winter break more than teachers. It’s a much-needed pause where you turn your alarm off, watch everything that you haven’t been able to stay up late enough to see, sit down for lunch, and use the bathroom whenever you want to! And while all we want for Christmas is a long winter’s nap, we are sending our teacher friends these honest holiday cards first.

1. All We Want for Christmas

Honest holiday card for teacher

Is that so much to ask?

2. Deck the Halls

Honest holiday card for teacher

There are no rules here.

3. Don We Now Our Gay Apparel

Don We Now

Also acceptable: onesie pajamas.

4. To Your Teacher Bestie

Honest holiday card for teacher

“Don’t you dare make eye contact with me during a funny moment at a faculty meeting” didn’t fit.

5. Hark! How the Bells

Honest holiday card for teacher

If you don’t have warning bells in addition to the tardy bells at your school, be blessed.

6. I’ll Be Home for Christmas

Honest holiday card for teacher

You know who “you” are.

7. It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Honest holiday card for teacher

Let those Fit Bit steps stay in single digits, baby.

8. All We Want for Christmas

Honest holiday card for teacher

No hard pants allowed!

9. May Your Days Be Merry and Bright

Honest holiday card for teacher

Here’s to hoping!

10. It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year


Honest holiday card for teacher

11. My Holiday Wishlist

Honest holiday card for teacher

I want to drink so much caffeine I can see the future.

12. Peace on Earth

I’m just asking for one day without a lunch dismissal that doesn’t shake the water on my desk a la Jurassic Park.

13. Silent Night

I’m dreaming of the day I don’t have to spend my planning period covering for someone else.

14. Warmth and Cheer

Honest holiday card for teacher

15. Cheers!


Cheers to you teacher friends! Thanks for all you do, and happy holidays!

What are your favorite honest holiday cards and sayings? Share in the comments below!

Plus, check out this list of holiday gifts every teacher has received!

19 Honest Holiday Cards for Teachers