FREE Growth Mindset Posters to Bring More Positivity to Your Classroom

Show your students the power of …YET!

Free Growth Mindset Posters for the Classroom

It’s easy to promote positive thinking and a can-do attitude in your classroom with these growth mindset posters. Each poster has an awesome message, reminding your students that mistakes are OK and hard work pays off. These posters are perfect for your school hallways or classroom. 

Get the full set of six posters right here. 

I can learn from my mistakes. 

We all make mistakes, and we can always be reminded that they are a learning opportunity. 

I can do hard things. 

Yes you can! Every student needs to be reminded of this every single day. 

First attempt in learning. 

You have to start somewhere. 

Mistakes are expected & respected. 


Remind your students that you want them to make mistakes. It’s encouraged!

It’s not failure because I haven’t given up yet. 

Keep reminding your students that every attempt is worthwhile. 

I can’t do it

The message of yet is one that resonates with so many of us. Spread this message far and wide! 

Get Your Growth Mindset Posters!