Teacher Quiz: Do You Know Your Drug Slang?

Do you know the slang for Adderall?

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Do you know your drug slang?

As teachers, we have the ability to impact our students and their choices. We are also witness to a variety of conversations that take place in the classroom—before, during, and after class. If you hear a teen referring to smarties or skittles, it may not be the candy you favored as a child. They may be referring to the nicknames of street drugs. It’s time to freshen up on the latest drug slang.

Take this quiz to see how knowledgeable you are, learn facts about the various drugs teens are using, and discover ways you can teach your students how to navigate these trying times.

Do You Know the Latest Drug Slang?

It's time to test your knowledge on the drug slang your students might be using in conversations.

Don’t have time to finish the quiz right now? You can still help your students with access to free, standards-aligned lessons. Check out EVERFI’s wellness resources here!