Get a Free Kinsa Smart Thermometer for Every Family at Your School

Stocking your school with hand sanitizers and posting signs about proper hand-washing aren’t the only thing you can do to help stop the spread of illness in classrooms this year. Thanks to a partnership with Lysol, all families and staff at your school can apply for a FREE Kinsa Smart Thermometer plus access to Kinsa’s app.

Kinsa and Lysol are both on a similar quest—to support families to live healthier lives. Since early detection and disinfection are both critical steps in stopping the spread of illness, Lysol and Kinsa join forces this cold-and-flu season to help keep your family and your school healthy!

What’s the catch?

There is none! Lysol teamed up with Kinsa to giveaway 15,000 Kinsa Smart Thermometers to 200 schools. Just fill out the simple form on this page to apply for the free program.

How does it work?

Each time parents take their child’s temperature, the thermometer instantly and anonymously communicates with the app to help your school stay ahead of an illness outbreak. You can check the app at any time to see, for example, that there are currently six instances of fever and four instances of sore throat in your school. You’ll be able to look at the data, but the family’s information is kept private. Additionally, with tips and access to disinfecting products from Lysol, parents are able to help stop the spread of illness. The result? Fewer illnesses and absences in your community.

Smart Thermometer App

Watch this video below to find out how FLUency helped stop the spread of illness at this elementary school:


The 200 schools that are accepted into Kinsa’s FLUency School Health Program will receive one (1) Kinsa Smart Thermometer for every family and staff member in the school. (Each thermometer is valued at $20).