This past week, teacher Jackie wrote into the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE! asking for help with learning multiplication facts. “The elementary kiddos at my school are struggling to learn their multiplication facts,” she says. “We are using rhymes like ‘8 and 8 fell on the floor. They are 64!’ Does anyone know any other multiplication rhymes, riddles, or tricks like this?”
Absolutely, Jackie. Check out the top multiplication rhymes and tricks from our helpliners.
“6 times 8 is 48, so don’t forget to finish your plate.” —Heather F.
“8 and 8 went to the store to buy Nintendo 64.” —Krista H.
“I use hopscotch on the playground. Outline the multiples of a specific number and the kids hope and recite it. Bonus: They do this for fun at recess!” —Camie L.
“6 times 6 is 36, now go outside to pick up sticks.” —Nicky G.
“I always remember 56 = 7 x 8 because 5, 6, 7, 8.” —Rae L.
“Link 4×4 trucks with being 16 to get a license.” (Depending on where you live, of course!) —Jennie G.
“6 times 7 is 42, and don’t forget to tie your shoe.” —Kristin Q.
“My students love Mr. R.’s YouTube channel. He has all kinds of songs about skip counting and multiplication!” —Erica B.
“We sing along with School House Rock videos.” —Becky S.
“Check out this post from The Math Coach’s Corner. Very useful stuff.” —Laurie A.
“Have them create their own rhymes and riddles for the multiplication facts they individually struggle with.” —Mi Y.
“Look into Times Tales. We’re currently using it with our strugglers, and they like it a lot.” —Jenny E.
“I ate and ate and got sick on the floor; 8 times 8 is 64! Also, for 9, the products always add up to 9, so that’s a handy trick, too.” —Jennifer G.
“Greg Tang Math is great.” —Kristi N.
- And … “Don’t forget to teach them the proper way too. I tutor math and had three students come to me and say they couldn’t multiply because they forgot the song. To find out what 5 times 7 was, one kid had to sing a song from 5 times 0 all the way to the current question. He had no idea how to actually figure it out through repeated addition or grouping.” —Stefanie B.
“I always use rhymes, but I also make sure they understand the concepts behind multiplication and skip counting.” —Lauren B.
Elementary teachers, what tricks do you have for helping your little ones memorize multiplication facts?