Anchor charts are very useful tools in the classroom, no matter the topic or the subject. These 22 awesome first grade anchor charts are perfect. We can’t wait to use them in the classroom!
1. Retelling a story
Recalling the details of a story is easy when you reference this anchor chart.
2. Writing personal narrative
When first graders get writers’ block, this is a great anchor chart for reviewing how to write a personal story.
3. Capitalization reminder
This handy dandy first grade anchor chart helps kids remember when to use a capital letter.
4. 2-D object chart
Shapes are easy to understand when put on an anchor chart with colorful diagrams and information.
5. Addition and subtraction clues
With this handy first grade anchor chart, kids can find the “clues” to when to add and when to subtract in word problems.
6. Letter writing anchor chart
Teaching kids how to write a proper letter is fun! This anchor chart shows first graders how to do it.
7. Making partner activities work
When partner work gets out-of-hand, reference this anchor chart to give direction on best practices when working in twos.
8. Classroom rules chart
Every classroom should have a set of rules for expectations of classroom behavior. This first grade anchor chart outlines it nicely for first graders to understand.
9. Telling time
Telling time can be tricky, but when you put an anchor chart out for kids to understand, it makes it easier.
10. Graphing math problems
Graphing information is usually fun for first graders. This handy anchor chart shows the different kinds of graphs to make when collecting and displaying data to solve problems.
11. Vicky verb
Teach students action words with help from word superhero Vicky Verb!
12. Quotation mark poem
This fun little rhyme makes it easy for kids to remember when to use quotation marks.
13. Nouns anchor chart
Nouns are easy to recognize with this colorful first grade anchor chart describing a person, place, or thing.
14. Positional words
Behind, above, on, under … the arrows and removable words on this anchor chart allow kids choose which positional word or phrase correctly fits into the sentence.
15. Writing checklist
Beginning writers find that this short checklist is a great reminder when putting together those first sentences.
16. Cause & effect
Using angry birds in this first grade anchor chart is a fun way to help students decipher clue words as to the cause and effect in a story.
17. Super comma to the rescue
Comma saves the day. This anchor chart is a fun way to reiterate the importance of proper punctuation.
18. Subtraction poem
This is a fun poem and great way to remember what to do when subtracting larger numbers.
19. Even Steven & Odd Todd
These two boys are a helpful way to remember even or odd numbers.
20. States of matter
Differentiating between the different states of matter can be tricky, but this first grade anchor chart can help.
21. The seasons
Invite the kids to help come up with words that they associate with the seasons to make this chart.
22. Community helpers
Community helpers is a favorite topic in first grade classrooms. This anchor chart is an idea to get kids involved.