The recently used emojis feature on iPhones, a list of cartoon emoticons that have been used while typing recently, can say a lot about a person. Are your recently used emojis list full of skulls and crossbones and sad faces? You may have found yourself in a bit of a rut. Cake and a bride and engagement ring? You’re in wedding mode!
Teaching, like many things in life, has its seasons. Here’s what you may find if you peruse a teacher’s recently used emojis during the school year:
August / Early September
Everything is awesome!!!!!!!!
Late October
Once DEVOLSON (the Dark, Evil Vortex of Late September, October and November) is in full swing.
Late November / December
Standardized Testing Season / May
Utter mayhem.
Hello, June. Mama loves you.
Check out your recently used emojis. What do they say about you?