56 of Our Favorite Easy Art Projects for Kids

Get their creative juices flowing.

East art projects for kids, including dictionary drawing of the word ignorant and a woven paper rainbow fish.

The stress of tests and social dynamics can prove challenging for students, and for this reason, they need an opportunity to express themselves freely. Art provides a powerful outlet for creative expression while also proving therapeutic. Plus, a good art project can be particularly effective at getting kids to unplug from their devices. A simple art project can even fill some downtime during the day for early finishers. Regardless of whether you teach preschool or high school, there is an art project for everyone. So gather some art supplies and try one of these easy art projects for kids!

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15 min- 3rd Grade Poems


Art Portfolio Templates

The bundle contains art portfolio cover sheets for preschool to grade 5, as well as a template that works for any grade. The bundle also includes an art project planning sheet and an artist study worksheet.

Easy Art Projects for Preschool Students

Text at the top says Paper Bag Jellyfish. Four paper bags have been painted with googly eyes glued on them. The bottom of the bags have been shredded with scissors.
No Time for Flash Cards

1. Paper bag jellyfish

As far as easy art projects for kids go, this one is perfect for preschoolers since it works on their hand-eye coordination and their cutting skills in particular. In addition to paper bags and scissors or pinking shears, you will need some paint, paintbrushes, googly eyes, and glue. If you’re really feeling ambitious, you can grab some sparkles too!

Get tutorial: Paper Bag Jellyfish Craft

2. DIY sidewalk chalk painting

Easy art projects for kids that work just as well as an easy science experiment are the best! Have kids assist in making the chalk paint using just a few basic ingredients. Then, let them experiment with painting with it.

Get tutorial: Free DIY Chalk Paint Printable Worksheet

3. Ice painting

Use food coloring added to ice cubes as your paint in this fun and easy art project.

4. Paper bag kite

This is another cute paper bag craft, and the materials are so affordable! The teacher in the video makes it a little bit of a history lesson too by teaching kids about Benjamin Franklin.

A piece of paper has two apples on it that are created from little squares of red and green tissue paper that have been glued onto the apple outlines.
Burlap + Blue

5. Tissue paper apple

Since everyone associates apples with fall and the start of school, this will be the perfect craft to start the school year off on the right foot. Simply draw an apple outline on a piece of paper and have small red and green tissue paper squares ready to be crumpled and glued by tiny hands.

Get tutorial: Tissue Paper Apple

Several pieces of paper have tulips that are made from different colored paints dipped in the top part of forks to make the flower head. green stems and leaves are painted underneath.
Toddler at Play

6. Fork print tulips

This project is both cute and simple, requiring only a fork, some heavyweight paper, and some paints. This type of flower printing would be especially perfect for a Mother’s Day gift.

Get tutorial: Fork Stamped Tulips Craft

Three paper bags are transformed into brightly colored monsters.
I Heart Crafty Things

7. Paper bag monster

First, paint a paper bag any color you want. Once dry, cut out shapes from card stock and assemble your monster!

Get tutorial: Paper Bag Monster Puppets

This easy art project for kids shows a paper plate that is painted orange with simple eyes, mouth, and nose painted on in black. The edges of the plate have been cut with slits to look like a mane.
My Bored Toddler

8. Paper plate lion

All you need to make this adorable lion is orange and black paint, paintbrushes, paper plates, and scissors. Grab some Popsicle sticks to glue to the back and you’ll have a ferocious puppet show on your hands in no time!

Get tutorial: Paper Plate Lion

A white cloud has a smiley face on it with rainbow colored popsicle sticks coming out of it.
Made To Be a Momma

9. Popsicle stick rainbow

Grab some blue card stock, cotton circles, and Popsicle sticks and have your students work on their gluing skills. This craft will prove effective at teaching little ones their colors. Choose either colored Popsicle sticks or have kids color them themselves.

Get tutorial: Popsicle Stick Rainbow Craft

An orange and a blue octopus are made from paper plates painted with faces on them and the octopus legs are made from strips of construction paper.
Simple Everyday Mom

10. Paper plate octopus

Kids love octopuses, especially adorable ones like these! Ocean crafts for kids, like this one, would be perfect for little ones still learning to count since they have a whopping eight legs to make. Plus, you can use it as a chance to teach about life under the sea!

Get tutorial: Paper Plate Octopus Craft

This image of an easy art project for kids shows 5 multi-colored macaroni necklaces made from painted macaroni, string, and some beads.
Made To Be a Momma

11. Macaroni necklace

A staple of many of our childhoods, macaroni necklaces work on the dexterity of little fingers while also making perfect gifts. Add in some large beads as well for variety.

Get tutorial: DIY Pasta Necklaces

12. Paper scrap tree

We love easy art projects for kids that are simple to create but pack a big punch. Have your preschoolers practice cutting or ripping multicolored paper into different-size strips and then have them lay them out in a pattern of their choice. Finally, glue a piece of paper to the back to hold it all in place.

13. Salt painting

Kids will be amazed at the way the salt, glue, and paint all interact to create a beautiful rainbow.

Easy Art Projects for Elementary School Students

14. Paper snakes

This is a fun and slightly more complicated take on accordion-style animals. It works on hand-eye coordination as well as direction following. Plus, once done, your students have a new desk buddy to keep them company.

15. Sidewalk chalk

This easy art project for kids is part art and part science. Younger kids will definitely need assistance with all the various steps.

16. Colorful chicks

This sweet drawing of several adorable chicks works on small kids’ tracing skills too. They can individualize their chicks through color choices as well as leg designs.

Four different sculptures are shown. Different sized pieces of cardboard have been painted and assembled on skewers.
Art Bar Blog

17. Cardboard sculptures

You’ll need cardboard to rip and cut up into shapes, skewers, clay, and some paint and beads to make this one a reality. There’s great potential for kids’ self-expression with this craft!

Get tutorial: Stacked Cardboard Sculptures for Kids

A paper plate is cut into a spiral and painted with watercolor paints. Googly eyes havebeen glued on.
Pink Stripey Socks

18. Paper plate snake

Have your students paint a paper plate with watercolors, and then once dry, help them cut it in a swirl shape. Finally, add some googly eyes.

Get tutorial: Colorful Paper Plate Snakes

This easy art project for kids shows a cute koala made from a paper roll, construction paper, and pom-poms.
Arty Crafty Kids

19. Paper roll koala

This super-cute koala would make an adorable desk buddy since it stands up on its own. Kids will enjoy personalizing their koala’s face.

Get tutorial: Paper Roll Koala Craft

The outline of a leaf is divided into different sections in this easy art project for kids. Each section is brightly colored with a different pattern in it.
Art Projects for Kids

20. Leaf pattern drawing

We just love art projects that fill the entire page, and this one certainly fits the bill. The combination of crayon and watercolor paint create this multi-dimensional leaf print.

Get tutorial: Leaf Pattern Drawing for Kids

21. Blow painting

This project is simple to do and could be enjoyed all the way from preschool to high school. Simply add some paint droplets to paper, then give students straws to gently blow the paint into their designs.

An image on the top shows a white cutout of a fish with a stack of strips of brightly colored paper. The bottom image shows the final product with the strips woven inside the fish.
Crafty Morning

22. Woven rainbow fish

This project is perfect for working on students’ hand-eye coordination while being a cursory introduction to sewing. It’s challenging enough for even upper elementary school students while still being relatively simple.

Get tutorial: Weaving Rainbow Fish

23. Bubble wrap painting

Bubble wrap makes for a great paint stencil. There are a lot of different variations, but this one works well to create an abstract canvas.

This easy art project for kids shows three steps to making green thumbprints turn into a caterpillar.
Toot’s Mom Is Tired

24. Thumbprint bugs

These thumbprint doodles are just so sweet and would perfectly complement a science lesson all about bugs. After having students try their hand at some of the thumbprint examples, let them use their imagination to see what other ideas they can cook up. You can even have them create bug jars out of card stock to put their new friends in!

Get tutorial: Thumbprint Bugs Craft

A rainbow umbrella is constructed from a half of a paper plate.
Easy Peasy and Fun

25. Paper plate umbrella

This craft works on fine motor skills thanks to the threading involved. All you’ll need are paper plates, string, and other supplies you likely already have on hand.

Get tutorial: Umbrella Paper Plate Craft

A pencil is made from construction paper and yellow popsicle sticks.
Crafty Morning

26. Popsicle stick pencil

Nothing says back to school more than a cute pencil-themed craft. Have students add their names to them and then use them to decorate a September bulletin board in your classroom.

Get tutorial: Popsicle Stick Pencil Craft

Two small airplanes are shown made from a clothespin, different size popsicle sticks, and a wooden bead. They are painted.
Making Life Blissful

27. Craft stick airplane

Kids will unquestionably go crazy over these clothespin-and-Popsicle-stick airplanes. Regardless of whether they choose paint or permanent markers, students will enjoy personalizing their tiny flying machines.

Get tutorial: Craft Stick Airplane Craft

Two caterpillars are made from pom poms and sit on construction paper leaves.
Easy Peasy and Fun

28. Pom-pom caterpillars

Since kids love pom-poms and caterpillars, this will be the perfect craft to grab their attention. Make sure to supply them with a fun variety of pom-poms and googly eyes.

Get tutorial: Caterpillar Pom-Pom Craft

Easy Art Projects for Middle School Students

29. Name art

We love, love, love the self-expression required of this relatively easy art project for kids. Before getting started, have kids write down a list of several traits and hobbies. Then, have them sketch out their names, building onto each letter as they go.

A string of Christmas lights is shown on a black backdrop. The lights are created from chalk smudges in blue, yellow, pink, green, and purple.
Buggy and Buddy

30. Chalk Christmas lights

This is the perfect easy art project to do around the holiday season. You’ll need to create a stencil from card stock so you can create your light shapes. Once that is done, you can begin creating “light” with some chalk pastels. A silver Sharpie can be used to create your light string since it will show up nicely against the black paper.

Get tutorial: Christmas Light Chalk Stencil Art

The front of a journal is shown with an abstract painting on the cover of this easy art project for kids.
Kids Activities Blog

31. Gratitude journal

This project doubles as an art and writing activity since students can use their finished journals for writing prompts. These personalized journals beat store-bought ones any day!

Get tutorial: Handmade Gratitude Journal

Two hot air balloons are constructed from a variety of different materials.
Artsy Momma

32. Textured hot-air balloon

This project is the perfect excuse to use up all your crafty odds and ends like feathers, glitter, and sequins. We love how unique each creation will be once they’re done.

Get tutorial: Textured Hot-Air Balloon Craft

Four multi layer cakes are shown cut into. They are drawn using oil pastels.
Little Yeti

33. Layer cakes

Regardless of students’ experience with oil pastels, this project will be a good introduction to the medium. Have students follow a step-by-step tutorial for drawing the outline of the layer cake, then let them use the pastels to bring their drawings to life.

Get tutorial: Wayne Thiebaud Cakes

Four different planets are shown drawn on black backgrounds in this easy art project for kids.
Teach Junkie

34. Chalk planets

This is an inexpensive way to enhance a science unit on space while still getting creative. It’s inexpensive too since all you will need is some black paper and chalk.

Get tutorial: Planets Space Art

Pile of painted rocks
We Are Teachers

35. Painted rocks

Kids love painting rocks so why not make it school-themed? Show students some of these examples to copy or let them come up with some of their own, then spread them around the school grounds.

Get tutorial: Painted Rock Ideas

A dictionary page is the backdrop to a drawing of the word daisy. A flower drawing is shown.
Art Teacher Creature via Pinterest

36. Dictionary page drawing

Easy art projects for kids that also double as vocabulary lessons? Yes, please! This project will prove especially educational as students are tasked with illustrating a word on an old dictionary page.

A green coffee mug with steam coming out of it is sitting on a pink surface with a yellow background. This easy art project for kids is made from pieces of different colored paper.
Megan Coyle

37. Paper collage painting

Students will enjoy creating their collages from a variety of materials. Even better, this project is a great way to encourage recycling since old cereal boxes and other food labels can be ripped into strips and repurposed.

Get tutorial: Painting With Paper

This easy art project for kids shows multiple pieces of paper with different doodles and words in white crayon with paint surrounding it. An actual white crayon and watercolor paints are on top of the paintings.
Kids Activities Blog

38. Crayon/watercolor resist art

This simple project can be done without a lot of instruction and will work for students of any age. It runs on the same idea as some Easter egg–decorating kits in that the paint or dye sticks to the areas not covered in wax, or in this case, crayon.

Get tutorial: Fun Watercolor Resist Art

An image shows several number stencils layered upon one another and the sections are colored in many different colors in this easy art project for kids.
Art Room Blog

39. Number art

If you have some math whizzes in your class, they will likely enjoy this number-themed art project. Grab some large number stencils and paints and you’ll be ready for this easy-setup project.

Get tutorial: 5th Grade Number Project

40. Spin art fireworks

We love this inventive use for a salad spinner! Create fireworks by playing around with different-colored paint and black card stock inside a salad spinner.

41. DIY dream catcher

Every good middle school art project should be able to be proudly displayed as room decor at home too! This DIY dream catcher made from basic materials is sure to fit the bill.

Easy Art Projects for High School Students

Several turtles are made from popsicle sticks with brightly colored yarn wrapped around them. Faces are drawn on them with sharpie.
Pink Stripey Socks

42. Woven baby turtle

Select three mini Popsicle sticks, paint them, and then glue them together to form your turtle’s body. Then select your yarn and weave it around your turtle. Be sure to have a lot of fun colors to choose from!

Get tutorial: Weaving Cute Baby Turtles

A letter M made of cardboard is wrapped with different colored yarn. Several rows of yarn are in the background.
Art Bar Blog

43. Yarn-wrapped letter

All you will need to create this craft is some leftover cardboard, a bunch of different yarns, and some scissors. Teens especially will enjoy this project as the end result can be used as decoration in their bedrooms and eventually their dorm rooms.

Get tutorial: Yarn-Wrapped Letters

Two macaroni necklaces are shown. One is teal and the other is pink and both are on actual chains.
Mum’s Grapevine

44. Elevated macaroni necklace

Some easy art projects for kids and teens can double as fashion! Despite their association with preschool, these are definitely not your little brother’s or sister’s macaroni necklaces. Swapping out twine with an actual chain makes these necklaces look surprisingly higher-end.

Get tutorial: 12 Pasta Necklaces You’ll Want To Wear

Black squiggles on a white paper form different size shapes, some of which are colored in purple and green in this easy art project for kids.
Inside Out Art Teacher

45. Neuro doodle design

This is a simple and mindful art project that can be enjoyed by students regardless of their art experience. This art process was invented by Russian psychologist and architect Pavel Piskarev in 2014.

Get tutorial: Simple Mindful Art Project

A glass plate has a variety of flowers on it which are made from crepe paper.
DIY Candy

46. Crepe paper flowers

This is the perfect project for early finishers to do since each flower only takes 5 minutes to create. In addition to being a fun project, these flowers would also make for beautiful classroom decor.

Get tutorial: Easy Crepe Paper Flowers

Two fish are made from CDs with eyes and tissue paper fins added.
Super Simple

47. CD fish

Easy art projects for kids that utilize outdated technology? Why not? Although this project could work for any age group, older kids will be able to personalize their fish using a variety of add-on materials. Be prepared to explain to your students what CDs are since they were born long after their demise!

Get tutorial: Make Your Own Fish Aquarium

A sculpture is made from 72 pencils that have been arranged in a dome shape.

48. Pencil sculpture

While this project can get complicated, simpler structures can be completed using fewer pencils. The preparation is minimal, requiring just a bunch of pencils and elastics, but the reward will be big when you see what your students create!

Get tutorial: Geometric Sculpture From 72 Pencils

A garland is made from pastel ribbon pieces tied together.
Project Nursery

49. Ribbon garland

This project is another good time-filler since it can be worked on and then picked up again later and continued. It’s also a good lesson in recycling since you can ask students to bring in any fabric or ribbons that may be sitting around their houses unused.

Get tutorial: Easy DIY Fabric Garland

50. Origami

Origami paper is inexpensive and can be bought in bulk, making this an affordable and low-preparation art project. Additionally, it is perfect for high school students who are better equipped to follow along with an instructional video.

Get tutorial: Easy & Fun Origami Projects for Kids

A landscape is created by layering different scraps of brightly colored paper.
Art Camp Studio

51. Layered landscape

Hold on to those cereal boxes and old magazines since they’re perfect for ripping up to create layered art! We especially love how much room there is in this project for individual creativity.

Get tutorial: Layered Landscape Art Project

52. Candy wrapper

This project will be a hit if for no other reason than kids will get to eat their favorite candy while drawing. We love the use of the wrapper as well as the lesson on shading.

53. Black-and-white collage

This is a relatively easy project for high school students, and the end result is definitely cool! This lesson on notans requires little more than materials you already have on hand.

54. Box of chocolates

Easy art projects for kids that utilize different mediums are some of our favorites. Introduce your students to oil pastels with this box of chocolates project. You’ll want to start with a black paper base and then section it off into squares. Next, add the white tissue wrappers, and then decorate each candy.

55. DIY stickers

Kids love vinyl stickers to decorate everything from notebooks to water bottles, but they can get expensive. This video shows a few different ways for high school kids to design their own stickers.

56. Colorful butterflies

This is such a unique way of creating a butterfly print. Have students bring in some unique-shape leaves in different sizes. Then, paint them and use them as stamps to create the butterfly wings. Finally, add the body and some details.

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collaborative art projects

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What are your favorite easy art projects to do in the classroom? Come and share your ideas in our We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, get ideas for great auction art projects!