Treat Your School Staff With $1,000 in Snacks and Goodies From Boxed!

School leaders, this is the perfect opportunity to treat your entire staff to snacks, beverages, supplies, and more from Boxed! Stock up your supply closet, leave goodies in the staff lounge, or give each classroom a fun surprise with this awesome giveaway. Boxed is an online, bulk-ordering site that allows you to save money on essential items. Order from the online Boxed Business portal and items will ship directly to your school! There are zero membership fees and you can even have multiple users on the account to add everything your school needs to the cart.

1 Grand-Prize Winner Will Receive:

  • $1,000 in credit to Boxed

2 Runner-Up Winners Will Receive:

  • $500 in credit to Boxed

Here’s a look at some amazing items you can treat your staff to from Boxed!

Boxed giveaway products

  • Leave snacks such as Nutri-Grain Bars, Goldfish, and Chex Mix in the break room.
  • Stock the fridge with water, V8 Juices, cold-brew coffee, and more.
  • Fill the supply closet with other essentials like paper towels, Post-it notes, glue sticks, and Sharpies.
  • 1 (one) Grand-Prize Winner will receive: $1,000 in credit to Boxed.
  • 2 (two) Runner-Up Winners will each receive: $500 in credit to Boxed.